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The word buzz in a speaking bubble

Quotes from Past Participants

"The content was spot on!  Not only did you provide evidence-based practices and research to support them, you provided creative ideas, rich resources and many effective strategies for implementation. You also encouraged the participants to continue to discuss these ideas with others in their schools/programs..."

"Chris always has such enthusiasm!" 

Chris presenting

"Great presenter. He gave me many resources to continue our own investigation of tools and techniques to improve collaboration and direct service to our students."

"Thanks so much for the awesome presentation!" 

"Thank you for using the virtual format!!"

Chris holding a Closed Captioning sign from his TEDx talk

"Super Fun Way To Do PD!"

"Great participant engagement."

Chris with a workshop participant who showing of their homemade AT for Life tattoos made with a black sharpie

"Well worth my time!"

"Love Chris’ presentation style, he was very informative and engaging with real world examples."

"I enjoyed this fast-paced presentation, and was inspired to expand my use of Twitter for PD."

"Wonderful presentation - looking forward to the next one!"

Chris wearing a hat and scarf of local sports team taking selfie with participants

"Loved this! Best session yet!!!"

"Great format for a presentation, too!"

"I always love a presenter who USES and MODELS what they are teaching! This session was excellent and provided great resources!"

"Helpful and thoughtful." 

"Very engaging and interactive!" 

Chris presenting

"Great workshop! I would highly recommend it to my peers."

Chris presenting

"Am looking forward to many more opportunities to participate in workshops with these speakers!!" 

Chris presenting in front of people

"Awesome! Outstanding!"

Chris presenting in front of a screen that reads "And Then There Is This Solution..." On the screen is a meme of Luke Skywalker from the Empire Strikes Back clinging to a tower screaming Noooooooo! It's Not Possible!" The text on the screen reads 10. Use Mass Feature Matching to move AAC from Tier 3 only to become a Tier 1 tool by adopting a Specific Language System First approach and then customizing per individual from there.

"Our team found the information you provided to be very inspiring and engaging."

Chris on stage talking to audience

"Even though I'm a seasoned AT Specialist, this professional learning still provided many ideas and strategies that can easily be integrated into what is happening in our district."

Chris presenting

"Laughing and learning...perfect combo." 

"Excellent presentation! So applicable to all attendees. Will be using all strategies presented. So much information. Will still take awhile to digest everything! Great job!"

"This was a great presentation!!"

"Engaging. Kept my attention. Very informative."

"The presentation is fun and engaging, and it helps the topic itself is very interesting. The presenter keeps the pace just right!" 

"What a tremendous set of resources that are new to me!  Thank you, Chris. I really like the new framework for thinking about setting up learning the best way for everyone, rather than modifying for a few after the fact."

"Great speaker, interesting, engaging, knowledgeable. Thanks for the great ideas!!" 

"This was another excellent session!  I am looking forward to being able to take the ideas back to my schools.  Wonderful speaker! Thank you so much for your time." 

"Great presentation! I cannot wait to learn more!"

"Chris is a very engaging speaker and I was really inspired by the survey activity he did at the beginning to encourage us to always be keeping the idea of making school a more positive experience for kids as the highest priority.  It was a good reminder and mindset shift for me as I think about next school year." 

"I always leave experiences with Chris Bugaj motivated, inspired and more knowledgeable!!" 

"I am a Chris groupie! I have read your books and they have given me loads of ideas to help my AT team improve."

Chris presenting in front of a room full of people.

"The audience clearly felt comfortable asking questions which then added additional enrichment to the presentation. I wish more parents had the ability to be there. It was really helpful information presented extremely well." 

Chris presenting in front of a slide

"The only session that I attended in which movement, and speaking to others was incorporated. I absolutely loved it!"

"Very engaging speaker. Great job keeping people engaged in this format."

Chris presenting in front of a group of people with a slide in the background that says AT & Accommodations

"As usual, Chris Bugaj did not disappoint! Thank you for the engaging and empowering session!"

"Thank you for being so interactive. Thank you for being so practical."

Chris selfie in front of a room of professionals

"Loved the interaction as we learned new things! Kept it interesting and moving along. Enjoyed it and learned great things to use."

"AMAZING information and the presenter was very engaging!"

"One of the Best Presenters! Loved his topics and great, useful information!"

"I am eager to keep going with this PD series. Chris is engaging and a great presenter."

Chris presenting in front of people with Arizona AT Consideration document on screen behind him on the screen

"One of the best presentations I've ever been to. It was engaging and helped me find resources for students within my district. The presenter was very intelligent on the subject. He used humor, cleverness, and passion to engage the audience."

"This was one of the best PDs I’ve attended. I’m excited for the other 2 parts! "

"I love Chris's enthusiasm and knowledge about AAC, but I really love how he is moving with the times and encouraging his colleagues to join him!" 

Chris presenting in front of group of people

"Very engaging presenter, and he appeared very knowledgeable and passionate concerning the topic; provided instant resources."

"I like Chris's style of teaching and allowing participation with the audience."

"Great presentation...I learned about several new tools to share with our teachers."

"Engaging and interactive."

Chris pointing to his back wearing a blue T-shirt that reads AT Superhero

"Loved the info!!! Can't wait to get home to delve into it all! "

"Can't wait to continue!"

Chris presenting with wife

"My favorite session! These speakers know how to present. I will be thinking about their presentation long after ATIA ends! They should work with other presenters to help them address adult learners."

Chris presenting

"Thank you for all those good ideas. I work in a kindergarten in Estonia and we do have quite many robots. At the moment are working on the curriculum (adding robotics there) and it was wonderful to hear about engaging tips how to put together AAC and robots. Lovely way to interact and learn core words. Thank you!"

Chris presenting in front of a group of people

"Very engaging presenter with information relevant to our needs!"

"Enjoyable, positive, kept me engaged, and I'm leaving excited and ready to empower my students and coworkers!"

"He gave so many ideas, he was interactive, engaging, and had us to do simple exercises. He was my favorite overall speaker!" 

"Energetic, engaging, audience participation, great content." 

"Great ideas for helping all students to succeed.  I love the ideas for setting up the classroom by visiting other rooms to see what you like/don't like and to find out the student's preferences too so that you aren't reinventing the wheel, and you can start your school year off by setting the students up for success."

"Loved, Loved this session! Took away so many ideas of things I want to do in my classroom! Now I am on a quest to find funding to make it possible!" 

"Chris's energy was impressive and he had great visuals to aid in our learning of how seating as UDL can absolutely have a positive impact on on all students and we need to start a task force to get this going!" 

"Chris Bugaj never disappoints with awesome ideas that can be applied immediately to make my therapy sessions more fun and engaging. Loved it!!!" 

Chris presenting in front of a screen

"I loved all of the strategies we were given and was excited to go home and try them out. I found them to be applicable to my children's needs, but also for myself, which is great so that I can model their functionality for my kids." 

Chris presenting in front of two screens