Photo by Wayne Frost


Chino Community Theatre will be holding auditions for the Lillian Hellman drama, The Children’s Hour. All Roles are open.There is no pay, but each actor receives 2 comp tickets.

Auditions will consist of cold reading from sides, which will be provided.


DATE/TIME:    Sunday & Monday, July 7th & 8th  at 7pm

LOCATION: 7th Street Theatre -13123 7th Street, Chino

DIRECTOR:  Toni Lynd




The Children's Hour is a powerful drama set in an all-girls boarding school in 1937. The school is led by two women who have been friends for years.  A malicious student named Mary Tilford creates a lie that the two women are having a lesbian relationship. This is untrue and the accusation causes tremendous turmoil that destroys their lives. The power of lies and the look at homophobia and deceit make this tale as contemporary now as it was then. 



Mary Tilford - 12 to 16 yrs

A spoiled malicious and bullying schoolgirl. She is clever, manipulative and used to getting her way.  It is her lies that create the destruction.


Amelia Tilford – 50+

An influential , dignified and wealthy older woman.  She is Mary's doting grandmother who believes her lies. She spearheads the closing of the school and repercussions to the women.


Martha Dobie - Late 20s+

An intense teacher nervous and high strung. She is Karen's co-owner in the school. She is dependent on Karen for confidence and has complex feelings for her.


Karen Wright - Late 20s+

An attractive, warm, outgoing, admired and respected teacher and co-owner of the school. Emotionally stable and at ease with herself and others.  Engaged to Dr Cardin. Friends with Martha for years.


Joe Cardin - 30 to 40

Relaxed and amiable doctor. Karen's fiancé,  he is  warm, engaging and natural.  Does not believe the lies initially but eventually starts doubting and Karen ends the relationship. 


Lily Mortar – 40+

Martha's aunt and a teacher at the school.  She is self centered, vain and susceptible to flattery.

She is meddling, refuses to grow old gracefully and dresses fanciful and refuses to support the women in the libel case until it is too late.


Agatha - late 30+

A no nonsense maid employed by Amelia Tilford. Stern, straight laced and full of common sense, she sees thru Mary's lies but is unable to convince Amelia Tilford.


Peggy Rogers - 12 to 16

Peggy is intimidated by Mary and gives her money when she is bullied. Peggy overhears the conversation between Mary and her Aunt and tells Mary.


Rosalee Wells - 12 to 16

She is scared of Mary and she stole a bracelet from Helen, and Mary used that to blackmail her to validate her lies.  Instead of reversing the harm she claims Mary is telling truth.


Evelyn Munn – 12 to 16

Another student who falls victim to Mary Tilford's intimidation. She is timid and quiet.


Helen Burton - 12 to 16

Another student at school. Will also will play grocery boy.