Chieftains 2019

Sing Calontir!

Chieftains will be a celebration of

the song and revelry of Calontir!

Marvel at the Fighters of Calontir as they flaunt their skill and grace

Rejoice with the Bards of Calontir as they regale you with songs of our kingdom

Wonder at the Artisans of Calontir as they impress the judges with their talents

Stare agog at the Teachers of Calontir as they edify you with knowledge and wisdom

in their classes!


Saturday, February 23rd

Gate opens at 9am

$15 non-member

$10 member

$5 children 6-17 years of age

Children 5 and under are free


An inn will be available for lunch. There will be no Feast - please plan accordingly. For your gastronomical pleasure, a list of recommended local restaurants can be found here.

Hosted by the Barony of Three Rivers


Lord Yngvarr Bjarnacarl (MKA Adam Frantz)

Her Ladyship Giovanna Canzoniera Da Firenza (MKA Johanna Elkana)