media Law & Ethics.

As a journalist, you are taught to always tell a story, and we are taught to do it in a way where it remains accurate, fair, and unbiased.

A good journalist will always tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Being able to choose a topic and report on it is a privilege, and I have learned that its not about the story but about how you tell the story. You have to draw your readers in and grasp their attention without sensationalizing.

Media law deals with all legal contents within your story such as privacy, copyright, and freedom of speech, which all plays a crucial role in shaping the practices and responsibilities of the media industry. 

Through media law and ethics, I have learned while writing to try to avoid conflicts of interest, to be transparent about sources, and attempt to balance the need for information despite the harm it might cause.

The social impact and diversity of your presentation is everything. Following the teachings of media law will not only help you become a better writer but help you become a well-informed and responsible media journalist.