
The latest news from Liao Lab.


2024  June 03 - Dr. Hsiao-Chih Huang joined Liao Lab and Prof. Leung's research group as a joint postdoc scholar. Dr. Huang has devoted himself to two research topics of optical orbital angular momentum and photon quantum entanglement since his PhD career at National Taiwan University. After receiving his PdD certificate, he spent 13 years of his academic careers in Taiwan, South Africa and the Czech Republic, working on several projects in the fields of quantum optics, nonlinear optics, ultrafast optics, optical microscopy, and quantum sensing. Welcome Hsiao!

2024  May 28 - Another undergraduate student joined the lab. Maxwell Woehler is a local undergraduate student in physics. Welcome Maxwell! 

2024  May 20 - Two summer undergraduate students joined the lab. Bryce Jobe is a local undergraduate student in physics, IU Bloomington, and Kyle Schauer is an undergraduate student in applied physics, Wheaton College in Illinois. Kyle joins the lab through the 2024 summer Undergraduate Research Program (REU) student in IU physics. Welcome Bryce and Kyle! 

2024  April 6 - Prof. Liao volunteered to show physics demos at the IU Science Fest (2024 Total Solar Eclipse Edition).

2024  March 1- Prof. Liao is featured in the Indiana University's Quantum Science and Engineering Center (QSEc) video: 

Preparing the Quantum Workforce of the Future - QSEc at Indiana University Bloomington.

Quantum computing has the potential to completely change our world. While this technology is still a ways away, quantum science already has applications that we can and should be taking advantage of. At Indiana University's Quantum Science and Engineering Center (QSEc), they've been doing and teaching quantum science for decades. This experience has readily equipped their faculty to find and develop practical applications of the field in anticipation of quantum's looming takeover. QSEc takes on graduate students from non-traditional backgrounds, looking to invite minds outside of physics into the quantum research space. When the next quantum revolution arrives, QSEc will have already prepared the quantum workforce that the future demands.

2024  Janurary-30 - Prof. Liao is invited to give a talk at SPIE Photonics West 2024. The invited presentation is at the conference of OPTO  Complex Light and Optical Forces XVIII. The talk title is "Spatiotemporal light fields: from strong-field to single photon (Invited Paper)." 

2024  Janurary-08 - The professor is in. Today, prof. Liao (co-teaching with Prof. Ryan Mitchell) is in his first class at IU physics. In this class (P221 or Physics 1), the very first paragraph in Chapter 1 (Measurements) Section 1.1(Measuring things, including lengths) of the textbook (Fundamentals of Physics; Halliday, Resnick and Walker; Wiley Publishing (12th Ed.)) says:

 "What Is Physics? Science and engineering are based on measurements and comparisons. Thus, we need rules about how things are measured and compared, and we need experiments to establish the units for those measurements and comparisons. One purpose of physics (and engineering) is to design and conduct those experiments. For example, physicists strive to develop clocks of extreme accuracy so that any time or time interval can be precisely determined and compared. You may wonder whether such accuracy is actually needed or worth the effort. Here is one example of the worth: Without clocks of extreme accuracy, the Global Positioning System (GPS) that is now vital to worldwide navigation would be useless."

However, the majority of current technologies only use "classical physics principles" to measure things. One of the major goals of our research group is to improve how we measure things by utilizing "quantum physics" principles – that is, generating and manipulating quantum light sources for quantum sensing, quantum imaging, and other quantum measurements.


2023  December-01- Elvin Cordero Figueroa joins the research group. Elvin is a new physics MS student in American Physical Society’s (APS) Bridge Program at Indiana University Bloomington. Elvin graduated from the University of Puerto Rico-Humacao with a B.S. degree (CUM LAUDE) in Applied Physics to Electronics in 2023. Welcome Elvin! 

2023  November-30 - Ribbon (in fact, stretch wrap) cutting ceremony! Prof. Liao's equipment (3 crates and 1 package bundle) arrived at IU lab safely (from Colorado).

2023  November 20 - The Liao Lab officially started in Swain West room 331 (under some renovation) and Simon Hall room 047 (almost ready to go).

The Liao Lab in the Swain West. The lab space is under renovation.

The Liao Lab in Swain West. The lab space is under renovation.

The Liao Lab in the Simon Hall. The lab space is almost ready to go.

The Liao Lab in Simon Hall. The lab space is ready to go.

2023 November-17 - The professor is in! Prof. Liao moved in to his office in Swain West 331 in the Department of Physics, Indiana University, Bloomington.

The Physics Department located in the Swain West.

The Physics Department located in the Swain West.

The entrance in to the Swain West building.

The entrance in to the Swain West building.

2023 November - Dr. Liao moved from Boulder, Colorado to Bloomington, Indiana. The move included several homemade equipment shipment to be used in the Liao Lab.

Outlook scenery into the City of Boulder, Colorado.

Outlook scenery into the City of Boulder, Colorado. Did you see the snow on the mountain tops?

CU Boulder campus. Scenery from Dr. Liao's office in JILA Institute.

University of Colorado Boulder campus. Scenery from Dr. Liao's office in the JILA Institute.