Featured Clips

Here are the featured clips of the Chaos Insurgency's best moments! If you want to submit a clip for a chance to be on this page, make a submission on this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd1E15MwvWrNEAX24fc4OK5d5I6aMP9YhvBu90FF8MNaQgeWQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 

Combat clips

The Chaos Insurgency, a shadowy organization known for its ruthless tactics, have released clips showcasing their combat skills. 

Funny Clips

The Chaos Insurgency, known for having fun, have decided to show some clips showing their best moments.

Other Clips

The Chaos Insurgency has lots of good moments that don't fit into the other two categories.