
We are two danish girls doing a project with 4 students from Sweden and 3 students from Norway. we want to make our cities more sustainable. 


In ørestad city tere is a territory  called Bellla kvateret were a lot of new apartments is build with some sustainable thing etc, a low energy consumption. In practice, one works voluntarily with an energy class higher than that required in the Building Regulations. This means that the homes are built so that heat and light requirements are minimized, while energy-efficient white goods and lighting help to lower energy consumption. The homes are also built in robust materials with a long lifespan, such as the facades in burnt bricks, which have a lifespan of over 100 years. Bella kvateret also have their own windmill to make the way of heating the apartments up more sustanabl.


Nord Havn is Chobenhagen most sustainable district. 

Nordhavn is a five-minute city. This means that there must be short distances from homes and workplaces to public transport, cycle routes, shops, institutions, etc.

The city also has a lot of other sustanabel things etc, The rainwater is cleaned so that it can be directed directly into the harbor instead of into the sewer, and in many of Nordhavn's buildings, there is central waste extraction. And also the city is made so it inspire people to take the bike or the metro, and a few other things.

The new buildings in these areas use "fjernvarme" is when you take rubbish or biomass that you don't need and burn it.

This is more sustanable then coal or gas.

Here are a few differences form of heating methods, and if they are sustanable.

Here we se a pellet stoves. Burning the wood pellets is CO2-neutral. This means that it does not contribute to increased greenhouse effect. Therefore, the wood pellets are not subject to a CO2 tax either.

This is a oil furnace, its very bad for the environment because it emits a lot of co2.

This is a heat pump, it is much more efficient than an oil furnace because it does not emit as much C02 and draws the energy for a longer time.

District heating is an efficient and sustainable solution in large cities with densely built-up areas, because it provides massive energy savings. The fuels are utilized optimally, and there is minimal heat loss when the heat has to be transported out to the customers.