
Information about the project: 

In this project we are going to focus on Sustainable heating, and to find information about this subject, we are also trying to find a solution to how we can heat up our citys in a sustainable way. So far we have been to the city and asked 6 strangers question about how they heat their houses or apartmens and how much they pay in electricity bills. We also asked them their name and age so you get a better image of them.  

We also walked around looking at things that can go under the subject Sustainable heating, for example a shop where the doors were constantly open and letting the heat out and cold in. Then we went on and interviews a Ph.D. Candidate from the University in Bergen, were we talked to him for almost 30 mintes. 

Interviews with citizens:  

Cecilie, 29: Still lives with her parents, and the high electricity bills are a part of the reason of why she hasn't moved out. Don't know how they heat their house, nor how much they pay. 

Henrik, 43: Lives in a small apartment and uses mainly wood burning to heat it up, but he also has panel ovens. Pays around 200 euros in electricity bills.

Anne Beate, 60: Lives in a big, old house with 3 fireplaces in different rooms that she uses to heat up her home.

Interview with a PhD Candidate:

The candidate we talk with is a Ph.D. Candidate at the University in Bergen. His name is Tsimafei Kazlou, he comes from Belarus but he has lived in Norway for one year to study. 

He talked mostly about the different ways to heat up our houses, and which ways are most sustainable In Norway. He said the most sustainable way to heat up a house in Norway would probably be through an electric heat pump. 

It wasn´t all the questions he could answer, for example, are the building in Bergen well isolated?(especially the older ones). Since he hadn´t lived In Bergen so long, he didn´t have an answer, but instead he compared Norway, with his hometown in Belarus. 

Examples of bad use of energy


The door is constantly open so cold air come inside and the warm air escape.


They let the warm air out and have to use a lot of energy to heat up the restaurant.