
League Rules

You are only allowed to have one fighter in the CFU. If you retire your fighter and recreate, your retired fighter will have one last fight to end his career.

Weight Classes

There are 4 weight classes. More classes will be added in the future as more users join.

Each weight class has specific limits on height and reach which can be seen below.

Lightweight: MAX HEIGHT - 6'2" - MAX REACH - 75 inches

Middleweight: MAX HEIGHT - 6'6" - MAX REACH - 80 inches

Heavyweight: MAX HEIGHT - 7'0" - MAX REACH - 84 inches

Women's Bantamweight: MAX HEIGHT - 5'8" - MAX REACH - 70 inches


We wanted to keep development in the CFU as simple as the complex nature of MMA would allow us to. There is no update scale here so updating your fighter is simple and easy to do.

  1. The first way to earn TPE is showing up to the gym and training with your team! Every week, there will be a new gym attendance form (similar to activity checks in other leagues), where you simply post your fighter name and you can claim 5 TPE just for showing up!

Gyms will also unlock more perks for you as a long term fight team member. For every 4 training sessions, you'll unlock one perk to add to your fighter's abilities. Each gym offers a list of 5 unlockable perks so choose the gym that best matches the type of fighter you are hoping to develop.

  1. The second way to earn TPE is fighting! You'll earn 7 TPE for fighting in an event and this will be credited to you after the fight is completed regardless of if you win or lose.

  2. The third way to earn TPE is predictions. Every week, a prediction form will be posted where you will predict who wins in the main matches of the week. This can earn you 1 TPE for each correct prediction.

  3. The final way to earn TPE is the fight bonus. The fight committee will review the matches of the card and award 1 TPE for the each of following awards:

  • Fight of the Night: Awarded to the two fighters who delivered the most impressive fight on the card.

  • Knockout of the Night: Awarded to the fighter with the most impressive knockout/technical knockout.

  • Submission of the Night: Awarded to the fighter with the most impressive submission.

  • Performance of the Night: Awarded to the fighter with the most impressive individual performance. This can be awarded to both winners or losers.


You will get 1 starting perk attribute that will be added to your fighter right from the beginning. These perks can help define the type of fighter you are creating and will have positive effects on their abilities to execute specific submissions, strikes, etc. Check out the link here for more details on which Perks are available for you upon creation: Perk Guide

At different intervals of TPE thresholds, you will unlock one perk:

  • 50 Total TPE Earned

  • 100 Total TPE Earned

  • 150 Total TPE Earned

  • 200 Total TPE Earned

  • 250 Total TPE Earned

  • 300 Total TPE Earned

Fighter Regression

Regression begins immediately after your 21st fight is completed. The deduction must be reflected on your update page before you claim any TPE for the new week. Regression is as follows rounded up to nearest TPE:

21 fights completed: -15%

22 fights completed: -20%

23 fights completed: -25%

24 fights completed: -30%

25 fights completed: -35%

26 fights completed: -40%

27 fights completed: -45%

28 fights completed: -50%

29 fights completed: -55%

30 fights completed: -60%

Fighters are auto-retired after 30 fights are completed. Fighters can also be auto-retired if their Total TPE falls under 0. The commissioner will work with you once your fighter has reached regression to help adjust attributes after every fight.

Fight Requirements

1-2 PPVs will be held each weekend totaling a minimum of 4 PPVs a month.

Fighters must fight at least 3 times a month. This applies to champions and active fighters.

Champions must defend their title against the number 1 ranked contender. Champions will fight on a rotating basis each week to ensure that each division has adequate competitors.

Champions cannot fight in catchweight bouts.