The Renewable Rikers Act

What is Renewable Rikers?

The Renewable Rikers Act is a set of 3 city council bills (1591, 1592, 1593) aimed to turn Rikers Island into a renewable energy farm and water waste treatment plant. Intro 1591 will conduct a feasibility study on the implementation of a water waste treatment plant on Rikers island. Intro 1592 will transfer Rikers island from the DOC (Department of Corrections) to the DCAS (Department of Citywide Administrative Services). Intro 1593 will conduct a feasibility study on the implementation of renewable energy on Rikers island.

Our Involvement

Central Climate Initiative is involved in the Close Rikers coalition, specifically focusing on gaining support for the Renewable Rikers bills. In addition, Central Climate Initiative lobbied city council members and city council candidates to sponsor the Renewable Rikers Act. With our help, bills 1592 and 1593 passed on Thursday February 9th 2021, and bill 1591 passed on Thursday February 25th 2021.