UN History

Ideological Makeup

Government Ideological Makeup

Elites: States must serve UN or be absorbed. Maintain the current elite in power. Must earn right to be in gov/have minecolony access to Central Gov. To gain territory you must prove you can fight AI Factions. 

Moderates: Tends to promote liberty, some nation autonomy, occasional shifts in who's in charge, and some balanced capitalism (capitalism in the background but not pushing it in the foreground).

Neoliberal Democracy: No judges but instead a Jury System. No taxes or economic regulation. Make the election system democratic.

Nationalism: Dissolve the Central Government and establish Nations.

Do Nothing: Literally does nothing when in government.

Imperialism: Promote large super nations which conquer smaller nations. Large nations shouldn't answer to UN Laws or small nations shouldn't be part of the UN.

Wildcard: Politically active but often all over the place with policies. Pragmatic and often changing in terms of what they want.

New Players: Reserve lands so new players can own it. Grant new players rights and protection. Prevent nations from manipulating new players into ignorantly joining them.

Constitutionalism: Grant nations rights to enforce their laws on their citizens. Require citizens to have some rights but they must respect their nation. Pay UN Workers so they aren't sacrificing their nation by working for the UN.

Keynesian: Support UN Banks, UN Created Jobs, Lower Taxes, Raise Interest, use UN Free States Asteroil Wells to make money.

Eco Industrialists: Protect the environment and encourage mass production of items using UN required quotas.

Conservatives: Supports veteran players. Encourage people to make/join factions. Allow nations to control citizens so long as nations don't betray promised rights. Fancy titles and UN Events. Protect economic elite interests. UN Economic Intervention and UN Companies/States.

Liberal Socialists: Scale legal punishments based on wealth. Rehab, restitution, and protect victims. Distribute land/economic opportunities. Help entrepreneurs and provide workers rights. Collectively shared areas. Prevent exploitation and protect constitutional rights. 

Full Timeline

History of Parties/Skirmishes

Previous Govs

Old UN Features

Old Constitution
