Server Staff

Server Owner


Financial Officer


Head Admin



List of Admin



Role on Server

-Talks about cool stuff with each other (non of your buisness)


List of Managers


Role on Server

-Assigns people work to do

-Makes sure people are on task

-Trains people to work

-Recruit people to join staff


List of Secretaries



Role on Server

-Organize the server suggestions


List of Devs



Role on Server

-Fix various bugs

-Test out mods

-Add/remove mods

-Add content to the tech tree

-Add AI Factions content

-Add content to allegiances

-Add events


List of Archs


Role on Server

-Keep website up to date

-Clean up old law voting

-Add laws to the list of server laws

-Make sure downloads are accurate

-Update tutorials for server setup, gameplay, and quest descriptions


List of Adverts




Role on Server

-Track down people who leave

-Recruit Viper Realm folk

-Encourage nations to do their own ads

-Write ads for nations

-Post UN ads

-Post nation ads

Emergency Administrators

List of EAs



Role on Server

-Expand minecolonies territories

-Remove claimblocks in the event of legal court orders

-Server backups

-Be on standby incase issues occur with server

-Tp people out of traps

-Setup jail system to jail various players

-Set up enforcement system-


List of Mods



Role on Server

-Mute people who are breaking chat rules

-Inform people of server rules

Staff Representatives

List of Staff Reps



Role on Server

-Runs in the UN to make things more interesting

-Acts as a bridge between Admin and UN

-Report on election results

-Count votes


List of Helpers



-Tis Me


Role on Server

-Welcome new players to the server

-Help new players get their mods setup by directing them to the #website

-Give new players examples of things to do

-Answer questions for new players

-Tell new players they can talk to you if they have any questions

Form Supervisors

List of Form Supervisors


Role on Server

-Calculates stock transactions

-Removes money from peoples accounts and adds them shares

-Also can add money to peoples accounts and remove shares

-Respond to rebel hiring forms by spawning in rebels and charging people money

-Spawn taverns when people request them. Charge money for taverns.