
Dark Presidency Era (3/11/24)

Era of Autocrats (12/4/23)

Executive Picking Era (11/27/23)

Revanchism Era


FSS Downfall Era


FSS Imperial Era


Owtian/PSRAU Era


Partition Era


Central Government Era


The Dark Presidency Era

Wineland Restoration

Soviet and Reich

Major Nations

Minor Nations

City States


Gov Features

Justice Features

Business News

The Era of Autocrats

Era of Autocrats

7ft Rebellion

During Pres Ghen's term in office...

Major Nations

Minor Nations


*Becomes the Enterpriser Party (Pro Bankers/Anti Tax/Pro UN Free States)

Gov Features

Master of Auctions Scheme

Business News

Executive Picking Era


Gluon decides that the UN Executive Elections are too complicated so she reforms that system. Gluon also decides the previous Judges were problematic and the AI Judge is too random so she reforms the Justice System.

Major Nations

Minor Nations


Gov Features

Justice Features

Business News

Revanchism Era


FSS lost the war and now suffers the consequences of that. Also Gluon experiments with an AI Judge.

Sentinel Freedom Purchases

The Following Week

The Split

Reservation of Azracova

AI Justice

Major Nations

Minor Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

FSS Downfall Era


After Royal's greedy conquests he slowly makes more and more enemies until his downfall.

Controversy with Gluon

FSS Alienates Prospectors

Wineland Sentinel War

Buisness Intellectual Alliance™

Buisness Intellectuals Invade DFSR

Major Nations

Minor Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

Gov Features

FSS Imperial Era


Royal having regained his footing after various rebellions decides to start conquering tons of land.

FSS Hellothere Incident

Asrock Incident

Killer Island Incident

Other News

Major Nations

Minor Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

Gov Features

Owtian/PSRAU Era


Major figures started moving westward to make their own nations. These figures managed to get several members in their nations.

What Happened in Gov?


PSRAU Imperialism Phase 1

Owtia Imperialism

Other Player Activities

Major Nations

Minor Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

Gov Features

Partition Era


Several illegal settlements outside the Central Government slowly demanded more autonomy until they became their own nations. Finally IronThrone was partitioned.

What Happened?


Player Activities

Major Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

Gov Features

Central Government Era


There used to only be one country in charge of everything. Here's the highlights...

Player Activities


Major Nations

Major Parties

Minor Parties

Business News

Gov Features

Justice Features

Bureaucracy Features