
1st Advent Holy War


First Flame Worshippers

Involved Nations (Owtia)

Owtia (Tis Me)

Killer Protectorate (Tis Me)


Creeper Theocracy

Church of Lincoln

Involved Nations (Vanguard)

Sentinel Soviet (Gluon)

Wineland SR (Goofy)

Union of Pudding (SliceofPudding)

The Holy Challenge

DarkEclipses complained there wasn't enough Holy Wars.

Gluonmaster challenged Tis Me to a Holy War over the territory in pink shown in the image. If Gluon won then Gluon gains the pink land for her religious following. Vice versa with Tis Me.

Gluon tried freezing and lava to immobilize Tis Me. Tis escaped into the water. Gluon escaped into the air using her starlight powers. Tis ranged Gluon. Gluon fell to the ground and the narrator started ranting. Gluon escaped. Tis caught Gluon. Tis Me froze Gluon and stabbed her to death.

The Outcome

The Church of Lincoln has embraced Tis Me as the only person strong enough to liberate slaves. Gluon was excommunicated from the Church. Tis Me now runs the Church of Lincoln. 

Gluon also murdered some Lincoln Civilians calling them heretics.

1st UN Civilwar

Iron Fist Pariahs

Ghen Empire (Ghen)

7ft Insurrection

Sentinels (Gluon)

Prospectors (DarkEclipses)

Passive Supporters

Owtia (Tis Me)

President Ghen's Crackdowns

President Ghen has declared that Gluon, Tis Me, and DarkEclipses are rebels to be jailed immediately.

Establishment of the 7ft

The 7ft were founded when Dark demanded to know why Ghen’s enemies (Gluon, Tis, Dark) were to be buried 6ft under rather than 7ft. Ghen declared that all enemies were to be known as the 7ft.

Ghen's Bribery

Ghen has announced 1k reward for whoever votes overwhelmingly in favor first regarding the Aghenda.

Ghen also put bounties on Dark, Gluon, and Tis Me.

Ghen has also promised that any 7fter who turns themselves in shall be rewarded with 1k.

Actions Against Ghen

Gluon tried to impeach Ghen. This failed so the 7ft tried to make a prison that would heal Ghen constantly while keeping Ghen trapped. This would prevent Ghen from dying to escape.

Ghen's Surrender

Ghen lost the next Presidential Election and thus the 7ft stopped insurrecting.

Buissness Intellectuals™ vs FSS (Round Two)

Buisness Intellectuals

Sentinels (Gluon)

Prospectors (DarkEclipses)

Passive but provided Legal Support

Owtia (Tis Me, KingNero, Ironbat)

Azracovan Pact

FSS (Royal, Kitchen)

Wineland Union (Goofy)

Almost Too Quiet

FSS changed their name to DFSS (D is for Democratic) and Kitchen took over. They tried to use this so the Business Intellectuals wouldn't fight them.

After that conflict things became silent while secretly the Business' Intellectuals formulated a strategy.

The War Against DFSS Begins

Gluon announced war and mobilized to conquer South Cordonia. She used the auto peace treaties to force constant peace treaties.

Dark did likewise with North Cordonia.

Royal was instantly jailed once the war begin.

Kitchen refused to join to stop Gluon and Dark declaring that everything was hopeless.

Royal and Kitchen mocked Gluon and Dark.

Gluon responded by coldly ignoring them and just announcing each conquest in the UN Voting. Then announcing her auto vote to pass the treaty to approve the conquest.

Dark did likewise.

The War Aftermath

Royal announced his country was the Tsardom of Azracova and had no affiliation with FSS or DFSS. This did not work for Royal and the Intellectuals demanded the land anyways. 

Royal and Kitchen ragequit the server after having lost some lands.

Gluon begun repairing Wineland after they surrendered. Wineland recieved some new territory despite being on the enemy team. Later Gluon would buy back Killerland and Madripour from Wineland so she could free both.

The Partion of FSS

The constitutional court used Royal and Kitchen's ragequits as a justification to expedite the war conquest and to declare a new legal successor. BusyEve was made the successor.

However BusyEve expressed no desire to take the throne. Thus Gluon was made Regent. She then transfered the north of the Tsardom of Azracova to a country called the Azracova Reservation.

The Reservation was set aside in case Royal or Kitchen came back.

A lot of FSS was flat out deoccupied so no one would own it.

Other parts were partitioned to make it difficult to reunite FSS.

The Conclusion of FSS

A tower was built to allow for easy snipping of FSS.

All the minecolonies citizens were killed to reset their tech level. All chests were given trap doors to make accessing them annoying.

All windows were broken. Walls were given holes. Land was flattened. Cover was removed. Holes were sealed. Turrets were set up on the border.

Kitchen tried to regain access but did a bad job communicating when he was joining so he could be granted access to the Reservation.

Buissness Intellectuals™ vs FSS (Round One)

Buisness Intellectuals

Sentinels (Gluon)

Prospectors (DarkEclipses)

Passive but provided Legal Support

Owtia (Tis Me, KingNero, Ironbat)

Azracovan Pact

FSS (Royal, Kitchen)

Wineland Union (Goofy)

Gluon's Plan

Hearing that Wineland had supported Killer's Annexation and was now in control of Killer, Gluon was furious. She declared that not only had Wineland never provided her with compensations/alliance for all the resources she provided them but she also declared Wineland to be supporting a regime who's goal was to make the server more frustrating/unfair for New Players.

Wineland announced it was seceding with FSS from the UN.

Gluon declared Madripour under her protection. Wineland however convinced Wig to full annexation which angered Gluon further.

Gluon's Revenge

Sentinels declared a skirmish on Wineland and took advantage of their unclaimed lands (the same thing Royal did to Killer). Sentinels spawned named mutant mobs, sat in areas to get mis to spawn, put fires everwhere, confiscated items from buildings to be put in a ransom chest, and trapped the fast travel so as to frame Wineland for having fast travel traps.

Sentinels annouced they would clean up Wineland and return items once Wineland stopped supporting FSS.

Sentinels also started doing some intimidation tactics to unclaimed FSS land such as placing holographic TNT, repairing Owtia's Naval Base, and burning lands.

Trade Deal Gone Wrong

Royal wanted lava and rather than getting some proceeded to beg Gluon for cheap lava. Gluon was irritated from giving Royal lots of free stuff so she mocked Royal by giving him overpriced deals for lava. Royal agreed to the deal and Gluon sent Dark over to do the trade. 

FSS and Prospectors Mobilize

Royal fired rockets at Dark killing him instantly. Royal claimed the corpse didn't spawn due to a bug. Dark declared full mobilization for fighting. Gluon went into battle and was promptly killed. She then came back and tried to use her mutant creepers to annoy Royal. Royal killed the mutants. Royal trapped the fast travel, but Gluon kept coming with no items just to use up Royal's traps. Then Gluon kept running and punching Royal to get in his way as a distraction.

Meanwhile Dark got his secret weapons and snipped Royal from a nearby tree. Dark proceeded to kill Royal over and over until he got his stuff back.

Dark also killed Royal's cockatrices.

Killer Incident

Killer Independence Fighters

Killer Island (Killergodking)

Owtia (Tis Me, KingNero, Ironbat)

Passive but Hid Killer's Stuff

Sentinels (Gluon)

FSS Imperialists

FSS (Royal)

Passive Supporter

Wineland Union (Goofy)

 The Battle for Killer

Around October Royal demanded Killer Island. Royal attacked and took advantage of the lack of security there. Owtia told him to stop because FSS had a non aggro with Owtia and Killer was a ally of Owtia. Royal told them he never knew Killer was a ally so it doesn't count.

Owtia built a naval base next to FSS. This base was filled with mi sealed away and also featured turrets to shoot at people trying to get near. Royal was mad and claimed Owtia broke non aggro. Judge Gluon ruled base violated international waters and had to be unclaimed. Royal damaged the base.

The Battle in Owtia's Heartlands

Owtia declared war on FSS. Royal's tanks then occupied their core territory. Owtia surrendered but then their mi barbs/berries killed Royal's tanks. Royal's truck was stolen and put on display in Owtia. Owtia destroyed Royal's planes.

War of the Law

Owtia became Killer's Lawyer and made a deal on Killer's behalf. The deal split Killer's Island directly in half in exchange for non aggression. It was revealed that FSS had stolen items from Killer despite Gluon trying to hide Killer's stuff. Tis was enraged and declared the treaty reversed.

Gluon ruled that Royal's conduct indicated that his original treaty to own half of Killerland should be disregarded since the treaty was signed on limited information and bad faith. Gluon however thought the treaty should still have some impact so Royal got a forth of the island.

Aftermath of Partition

Royal declared his part of the island to be the Tranquil Island.

Wineland annexed Killer in exchange for Killer having some rights.

Killer's unclaimed boat that Royal destroyed.

Royal also blew up a nearby mountain.

Post war borders, green x indicates where Judge Gluon found Beacon stolen from Killer.

Gluon's hidden hoppers to move Killer's stuff were found when Royal destroyed the boat. Royal broke the chests below the hoppers.

Asrock Incident

Asrock Independence Fighters

Wineland Union (Goofy/Kitchen)

Neutral but Passively Helped AIF

Sentinels (Gluon)

FSS Imperialists

FSS (Royal)

Owtia (Tis, KingNero, Ironbat)

Prelude to War

Around October Goofy received Kitchen as a new recruit. Kitchen founded a base upon a island which he named Asrock. This island was located next to a large island owned but loosely governed by Royal.

Goofy would receive funds, coaching, weapons, and support from the Sentinels. Goofy was convinced to become a union and join the Comintern to counter balance FSS's influence.

Additionally Judge Gluon ruled that neither nation could disrespect each others island claims but that Wineland could claim two of the desert islands.

Kitchen launched a attack on Royal's Base after Royal kept demanding control of the island. This attack consisted of a easily killed wither. Goofy did not reprimand Kitchen.

 The Battle for Asrock

Royal declared war on Asrock.

Asrock had however hid their townhall due to Sentinel coaching.

Goofy was offline so Kitchen engaged Royal.

Kitchen killed Royal but then Royal's Soldiers showed up and chased Kitchen away before returning to their start position. Royal asked Gluon to fix the soldiers so they would instead follow Kitchen. Kitchen was promptly killed by following troops.

The resulting treaty saw Kitchen and Goofy jailed. Asrock annexed by FSS. Gluon loosing funds, equipment, and her Emerald Temple Base. Wineland was required by treaty to resettle east of the yellow line.

Kitchen running across a bridge to occupy Royal's Townhall. Royal's Soldiers shot Kitchen. It is unknown how Royal got the funds to hire so many soldiers.

An outpost promised to be run by Gluon in the Asrock Territory, later abandoned when FSS Soldieers showed up


Hiding Townhalls was effective strategy in old war system. Kitchen should have relied more on Gluon's backup equipment. Kitchen should have used a boat rather than going across a obvious bridge.

Aftermath Skirmish

Kitchen broke out of his cell and wandered around aimlessly before he was killed and brought back to his cell. 

Later he was given a shorter sentance and allowed out. 

Then he rejoined FSS.

Ustaria Incident

Land Traders

Sentinels (Gluon)

Passive Supporter

FSS (Royal)

Land Keepers

Ustaria (Bang)

Defended Ustaria But Supported Land Trade

Prospectors (DarkEclipses) 

Prelude to Battle

Gluon offered to manage Ustaria's Territory while Ustaria was away.

Ustaria's leader Bang later got in trouble and muted for posting some nazi imagery, islamic state stuff, and some anti trans stuff as well as threatening death to the Admin. Also Gluon found out he had posted stuff promoting racial violence on another server.

Bang left the server before the mute expired despite being told the mute was only for a hour. Gluon argued that meant she got to manage Ustaria.

Gluon took items off the territory for "investor purposes" and then sold the territory to Royal for a pitiful amount of money just in case Bang ever returned.

Battle for Ustaria

Bang joined the server and discovered his country was owned by FSS. He had no access to his stuff. Bang was then shot at by Gluon repeatably. Gluon spawn camped Bang over and over.

Gluon later said she could give him the 100$ she got for selling his land and that she's lost all his items on a "bad investment". In realty Gluon burned all his items.

Dark Intervenes

Dark told Gluon to stop and that she was being mean. Gluon then stopped shooting but kept following Bang with her weapon pointed at him. Dark told her that if she kept doing that he'd shoot her. 

Gluon kept doing that and was subsiquently shot to death. Bang evacuated but was unable to get the court to overturn the land purchase and so Bang ragequit.

Kitchen Failed Coup



PSRAU Imperialists

PSRAU (Royal)

Prelude to War

Kitchen wanted to join Sentinels but was denied entry. Kitchen had to join FSS instead. Liberty Realm was annexed into FSS.

The War

Kitchen discovered he had a bug which made him immortal.

He killed Royal over and over. Then he declared a coup.

Once the bug wore off Royal managed to kill him and ended the coup.

Kitchen was forced to secede.

Landon Fly Incident



Double Agent Passive Supporter

Sentinels (Gluon)

PSRAU Imperialists

PSRAU (Royal, Kitchen)

Prelude to Battle

Landon and Fly were members of FSS but decided to rebel and lock access to their minecolony. Royal got the court to grant him access.

Landon and Fly were mad they didn't have access to their base. Royal stole their stuff. Gluon tricked Royal into giving back the items by asking Royal to give the items as a gift for being allies. Then Gluon gave the items to Landon and Fly.

The Battle in FSS's Home

Landon and Fly tried to spawn camp Royal and mana blaster his base. He tried to spawn camp them.

Gluon broke up the fight and Landon/Fly left. Royal got upset about the destroyed base and briefly had a loss of faith in his country.

Abduction/Police Raid Incident


Tis Me

Rogue Detective

Detective Gluon

Ethical Police

Officer DarkEclipses

Prelude to Battle

Tis kidnapped Gluon's MCA Villagers.

Gluon alerted Officer Dark and they chased Tis.

Gluon and Dark chased Tis into his secret cave layer.

The Conflict

Gluon screamed FBI! Then said actually I'm a Detective.

Tis didn't show any weapons on his hand.

Tis moved towards Gluon and Gluon shot him.

Tis started eating bread.

Then Gluon shot him again.

Post Conflict

Gluon was taken to court and had to pay a fine for improper conduct as a detective.

Zeko Grafetti Incident

Zekosociety Protestors


Sentinel Elites

Sentinel Elites (Gluon)

Prelude to Battle

Zekodex accused Gluon of corruption and vandalized her property

The Conflict

Gluon posted on discord that she'd burn Zekodex's entire house down unless Zekodex stopped antagonizing her.

Post Conflict

Zekodex ended up leaving the server and Dark got Zeko's House.

Later it was found out Zeko had been storing guns and preparing for a uprising.