Previous Councils

All Our Parliaments

Parliament Era Powers

33rd Parliament


Admin removed Acting Land Manager and UNFS Economic Union

32nd Parliament


31st Parliament


30th Parliament


Building Inspector removed by Admin

29th Parliament

(Post Goofy Removal)


29th Parliament


28th Parliament


27th Parliament


26th Parliament


25th Parliament


24th Parliament


23rd Parliament


22nd Parliament


21st Parliament


20th Parliament


19th Parliament


18th Parliament


17th Parliament


16th Parliament


15th Parliament


14th Parliament


13th Parliament


12th Parliament


11th Parliament


10th Parliament


Radiation Regulation was later removed when it was found out radiation doesn't work.

9th Parliament


8th Parliament

(Post Wynn Removal)


8th Parliament


First civil court case Tis Me demands lost items on someone else's property

Percent Support


7th Parliament 


First criminal court case where the State Prosecutor went after Royal for tons of crimes.

Percent Support


6th Parliament (Dark Pres)


Nations Established.

Percent Support


5th Parliament


Treasurer, Prime Minister, and President Established.

Royal gets taken to court for a ton of criminal charges. Royal also got banned for duping items.

Percent Support


4th Parliament


Bank Headquarters Established

3rd Parliament


Judicial Tribunal was established.

Percent Support


2nd Parliament


Prison construction occurred.

Percent Support


1st Parliament


These Laws were set to expire next Parliament

Percent Support



Dualarchy Era: 

-Early Parliaments called the Council

-House of Reps that anyone can be a member of must 1/4 vote to approve things for Council Vote

-Parties picked out beliefs from a list

-Randomly AI Beliefs would be generated, if your beliefs lined up with the AI then you'd get more percent seats on the Council

-There was a rule where if you didn't get a minimum percent of the vote you weren't considered on the Council

Multi Party Era

-Multiple parties started participating

Eternal Era

-The old multi parties collapsed and new parties started running

-Rules got made to prevent people from being inactive and running for office (this was the result of Eternal winning 1/3 of the vote but doing nothing/not playing)

Post Eternal Era: 

-The rule system about needing a minimum percent of the vote removed

-Briefly parties were removed and replaced with voting for nations

-Eternal's Party removed from running

-FSS (Workers Party lead by Royal) and PSRAU (Pasta) split communist vote


-Parties brought back

-People were now allowed to vote for parties instead of their support being randomly generated

-People could cast their vote for multiple parties

Post FSS

-Workers Party stopped running

-New party order running against each other

-Eventually everyone forgets to vote and Gluon becomes Legislative Dictator

-The UN's Budget Mechanics were completely redone.

-House of Commons gets removed

Post Legislative Dictator Gluon

After Gluon became Legislative Dictator there was a lot of reactions...

1: Gluon left a lot of bureaucracy to maintain power

2: Gluon made a alliance with Goofy where Gluon would auto vote on Goofy's policies and together they'd maintain Goofy as a Legislative Dictator; Gluon would get to ask Goofy to vote on things too 

3: Dark became Legislative Dictator and competed with Judicial Dictator Gluon 

4: The Justice System was reformed to be split up and be more meritocratic following the Judicial Dictator

AI Parties

1: Randomly generated AI Parties who'd vote on laws they agreed with are added

2: Party coalitions are added so parties can make deals to vote for each other in Voting or to simply be grouped together

3: No more blanket autovoting contracts, autovoting must include specific laws you're auto voting for.