High School Resources


achieve3000.com is a site specifically designed for remote learning. Teachers are able to add their students to the content areas. Also, it is designed for preK to 12th grade students, so no one is left out! There are also printable packets for students without internet access.


noredink.com allows students to become writers based on their interests. Teachers can make assignments that align to the standards they are teaching. There is a large variety of teacher resources making this a quick and easy site for students and teachers to use.


Clearshakespeare.com brings Shakespeare plays back to life for students today. It enables students to read along to the plays, but, also to recognize how the words are said and how they sound when spoken.


PBS Leaning Media is a website that has core subject resources for grades pre-k through 12. These subjects include math, science, ELA, and social studies. Grades pre-k through 2 include packets of downloadable activities to share with parents and students. For high school students, there are resources for more in depth subjects such as algebra, calculus, chemistry, US history, etc.