Canoe Trip

The CCA will be hosting a Junior canoe trip for campers aged 7-9 on July 17 - 18th. (Birth year of 2015 - 2017). This event is optional and there is an additional fee to be charged for supplies/food for the trip.

A Senior Canoe Trip will happen in August (campers aged 10 -13).

Additional Fee for Registered Participants: $20.00

Guest Participants: $50.00

The canoe trip will leave from and arrive back at Arthur Beach on Wednesday July 17 at 2:30 pm and return on Thursday July 18 at 11:00 am. 

The campers will be paddling and spending the night on McLeod Island. Thank you to the Beattie family for lending us their property for this trip.

Campers will need to supply their own lifejacket and paddle for the trip (the Rec Program has canoes). 

The registration and sign up for the trip can be found on this page. A packing list is also included on this page. Registration will close on Monday July 15 at 12:00 noon. This will provide staff with sufficient time to plan and purchase food and supplies. 

Payment can be made in cash at the swim beach to Jenna Lynde of Sophie Hilliard. Payment will be accepted until Monday July 15th.

Please DO NOT send campers with outside candy or food.



Canoe Trip Packing List

Canoe Trip Packing List