
Due to globalisation and increasing migration, we all need to adapt and learn to live in multicultural environments.

Because of the cultural diversity in our society, it is urgent that nursing students acquire cultural skills to provide the best health care and to improve cross-collaboration work.

Additionally, make instructors aware that trainings and commitment on cultural diversity are key to transforming and promoting cultural skills and attitudes teaching among the future health professionals.


Multicenter prospective longitudinal descriptive observational study of several cohorts of Nursing Degree students from different European universities from 2021-2025.

The target population will be Nursing Degree students and teachers from different European universities.

For the cultural competencies assessment, the Cultural Competence Assessment (CCA) questionnaire will be used - its original version (English) and its validated versions in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Turkish. An online questionnaire will be used to collect the answers.

To carry out the study, the biomedical research ethical principles will be observed, and data confidentiality will be guaranteed. Similarly, special consideration will be taken in regard with students, to respect their right and their interest in participating voluntarily in the project, without any academic repercussions

Project relevance

In relation to the clinical-care impact:

The results obtained in the project can have a positive impact, at a teaching level and at a healthcare level as well, for two reasons. First, detecting the student cultural competences and other related factors can allow teaching interventions to be focused on specific aspects; and, secondly, as it is an international multicenter project, it will allow to define a global European profile of Nursing Degree students and instructors in relation to cultural competencies and educational needs within the European Higher Education Area, thus, allowing the design of training programs in cultural competence adapted to their specific needs.

Furthermore, contacting all the participating universities has led to the creation of an international collaboration network as well as potential future interactions and projects.

In relation to the bibliometric impact:

The international nature of the project allows the possibility of publishing the results in a wide range of health and education specialised journals indexed in JCR (Journal Citation Reports).

At a national scale, the project can generate publications about the profile of Nursing Degree students and teachers in relation to the cultural competencies, globally and locally, for example comparing the different results and competencies degrees by regions.

At a European scale, the objective is to generate scientific evidence reflecting the profile of the students in the different European countries in relation to cultural competences and compare the development between the different participating countries.

The European multicenter nature of the study broadens the possibilities of disseminating the results in national and international conferences and in international university forums.

CCA Measure instrument

The measurement instrument will be the Cultural Competence Assessment (CCA) that was created and validated by Schim et al. in 2003 with a reliability of 0.92 (Cronbach's alpha). It consists of 25 items.

This instrument has been adapted and validated to the Spanish (CCA-S), Italian (CCA-I), Portuguese (CCA-P) and Turkish (CCA-T) contexts. Currently being validated into Lithuanian.

In the Spanish, Italian and Portuguese versions, the questionnaire contains four dimensions: dimension 1 (sensitivity), dimension 2 (awareness), dimension 3 (seeking information) and dimension 4 (active behaviour).