News and Events


Professors’ and students’ data collection of the Degree in Nursing of the Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers du CHRU de Nancy (France) begins.

Laura Visiers, best nursing research project award for her European study on cultural competencies in Nursing students.


Florence Network Annual Meeting

From april 24 to april 28 of 2023

San Rafael Campus will host the 2023 Florence network annual meeting.

Erasmus+ “Care for Europe” Project

On June 3 of 2022

Isabel Baeza and Laura Visiers participate in the Erasmus + project “Care for Europe seminaire.

International Symposium of Nursing Research Collaboration

On October 7 of 2022

Professor, Laura Visiers, presents the CCA-EUnurse project at the International Symposium of Nursing Research Collaboration of the Ege University Faculty of Turkey.