Envision Day Classes
Envision Day Classes
Envision Day Classes are available to all students at enrolled CCA. We offer introductory classes through advanced coursework in Cinema, Dance, Digital/Fine Arts, Theater, and Vocal and Instrumental Music. Visit our Envision Disciplines page to learn more about our specific arts offerings.
You may want to watch this video (coming soon) that outlines the entire Envision program.
Enrollment Process
Counselors will assist with the enrollment process once the HS selection window has closed at the beginning of February. Students enroll for a full year (8 classes/2 terms) at one time. Check out the COURSE PROFILES to find out about the scope of the class, the expected amount of homework, and other class information. The Envision faculty recommend taking courses in a specific sequence to ensure students' maximum success and enjoyment of the class. Check out the recommended COURSE PROGRESSIONS.
Audition/Application Based Day Classes
Many Envision courses are open, but there are several that are audition-based. Audition information is specific to each course and you are encouraged to speak with the Program Coordinator for your arts discipline for the most specific information about the audition time-line and audition preparation.
Audition information for the 2021-22 school year will be updated in January
Music Auditions will be due by April 14. Please follow the format on the Instrumental Music site. Audition information for Advanced Chorus-email Ms. Whattoff directly to set up a live online audition appointment
Visit the DANCE website
Placement Auditions: info coming soon
Dance Lab Auditions: info coming soon