
Envision Cinema Day Classes

Video/Film is an Envision Cinema class that explores many aspects of video, television, and film production. Students in this class will learn to create original works and apply principles of art and technology to the genres of short film, documentary, music video, television news, promotional videos and commercials. In addition, students will also learn industry-standard software programs such as FinalCut Pro. Finally, students in this class will analyze and critique their projects, making connections to professional films and videos. Instruction and activities include a balance of classroom study and practical work experiences. Technology is used to support and tailor content delivery to match students’ learning styles, experiences, and skills. In addition to acquiring specific content skills, students learn to manage resources, work cooperatively, organize and apply information, understand systems, and apply appropriate technology through problem- solving activities.

Advanced Video/Film is an Envision Cinema class that provides students with a variety of real-world learning opportunities through laboratory experiences in television, video, film, and communications. This course is designed for a select group of students who have performed well in the introductory Video/Film Course and have a real interest in television, video, film, or other communication professions. Students work independently or in groups to create special long-term projects that may vary from a few weeks to several months. Students will apply the principles of art and technology in projects that may include, but are not limited to, short films, documentaries, promotional videos, and school broadcast content. Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship, work ethics, cooperative attitudes, and social skills through participation in classroom, school, and community activities. Advanced Video/Film prepares students for further study at the college level and for entry-level positions in the television, film or communications industry.

ROP Media Productionis an Envision Cinema class that provides students with a variety of real-world learning opportunities through laboratory experiences in television, video, film, and communications. This course is designed for a select group of students who have performed well in the introductory Video/Film Course and have a real interest in television, video, film, or other communication professions. Students work independently or in groups to create special long-term projects that may vary from a few weeks to several months. Media Production will give students with advanced video production skills the opportunity to produce content for school-based productions and independently pursue longer-format video projects. As part of the course each student will produce content for the CCA Daily Bulletin and a CCA regularly scheduled television show in addition to shooting and editing school events and promotional materials. This course is a great opportunity for students considering applying to film school to create content for their portfolio and screen their work on a daily basis. Students will demonstrate leadership, citizenship, work ethics, cooperative attitudes, and social skills through participation in classroom, school, and community activities.

Envision Cinema Conservatory

Operating much like an independent production company, the video/film conservatory offers an active approach to video and filmmaking technique and theory. Workshops intend to build upon and supplement daily production experience and will be taught by a variety of practicing artists. Initial production assignments include the creation of a promotional video for the Envision program and creating a promotional video for Canyon Crest Academy. Students in the Cinema Conservatory may also assist in a regularly scheduled school television program Thereafter, the main thrust of the program is video and film production. Students will begin developing original screenplays and video projects and will eventually pitch, coordinate, cast, and produce short pieces of their own. The conservatory will then decide to pool resources behind one idea or divide and take upon projects in smaller groups. All projects are intended for submission to student film festivals or video competitions and the final evaluation of the projects will be linked to successful submission.
