
On this page, you will find information on what you need to do to setup the consenting process

Guide for tutors on obtaining consent from patients who have capacity

There are several approaches you can take to obtaining consent from patients. This page contains one approach to meeting the requirements of a valid consent.

Obtain verbal consent from patients before they meet the student

The tutor should contact the patient and get verbal consent. You should document this in the patient's record.

Use the Information for patients to guide your discussion. This information links to a separate website for patients which you can share with patients and downloadable the document. Patients will want to know that:

  • this is a group video call with students for teaching;

  • you will not be recording the video call;

  • that they can opt out of this at any time by ending the call; and

  • check that they are able to join a video call with a test run on Microsfot Teams.

Additional options to consider

  • Send the patient a follow-up text message using AccuRx to confirm that they are happy to proceed.

  • Enable the RESPOND option in AccuRX. Save the reply to the patient's note.

  • Consider adding a message on your website (see suggested text below)

  • Create an AccuRx text message template (see below for suggested text). See AccuRx - how to create a template

Please note that some practices do not have this feature. In this situation, you can simply use copy and paste and send the patient a text message.

Recording video calls

At this stage, we recommend you do NOT record the video call with the patient.

Adults who lack capacity and young people

You should refer to GMC guidance. There is a useful summary of the approach and issues on page 5 of the NHS guidance on video consulting in General Practice

Suggested AccuRx text message template to send to patients

Thank you for agreeing to a group video call with the students and the GP.

The GP will use the video call for teaching students and they will not be recording the call. The call will remain private and confidential and will only be used for teaching purposes. Here is a link with more detailed information -

Please reply to this text message so we know you are happy to proceed and we will setup the video call.

Suggested message to add to your practice website

We are teaching students at the practice. This may involve group video calls to our patients. These calls will be confidential and used only for teaching purposes. We will always ask you first and get your consent to use video calls for teaching.