In questa sezione troverete tutte le novità sulle attività svolte nel nuovo laboratorio e gli aggiornamenti su tutti gli eventi in programma.

In this section you will find all the news on the activities carried out in the new laboratory and updates on all the scheduled events.



Classico al Cardalab.pptx

Il 29 gennaio 2018 alcune classi del Liceo Classico del nostro Istituto hanno visitato il laboratorio del liceo scientifico e sperimentando per una intera giornata la didattica laboratoriale, osservando alcuni esperimenti eseguiti dai ragazzi delle Scienze Applicate, del Liceo Tradizionale, dalla Prof.ssa Giorgolo e dal tecnico di laboratorio Paolo Loreti.

In particolare i ragazzi del Liceo Classico hanno condiviso con noi alunni della 1CS due esperimenti:

  • Il primo esperimento riguardava un fenomeno di ottica, la luce viene scomposta mediante un fascio di luce bianca che attraversa un prisma e si divide nello spettro che la compone formando il "cosiddetto" arcobaleno.
  • Il secondo esperimento sui fenomeni della pressione atmosferica, la bottiglia forata, il liquido che risale nel becher e "l'uovo in bottiglia".
On January 29th the classical high school visited the new laboratory of the scientific high school observing also some experiments of Cardalab performed by two students of the applied sciences, by Professor Giorgolo and by the laboratory technician Paolo.
The first experiment concerns the optics, where the light is decomposed by means of a beam of white light that passes through a prism and is divided into the spectrum that composes it forming the "so-called" rainbow.
The second experiment is divided into three parts concerning the pressure:
In the first part a bottle, with a small side hole, is filled with water colored yellow and closed. The water will not come out until the bottle is closed because the internal pressure is equal to the external pressure; if instead we remove the cap, the water will come out of the hole because the external pressure (coming from above) is greater than the internal pressure.
In the second part is used a candle that is placed in a plate with water, then lit the candle and covered with a beaker, after a few seconds we can see that the flame goes out slowly. So the water will rise inside the beaker, because the atmospheric pressure pushes on the latter.
For the last part will be used an Erlenmeyer flask, a hard-boiled egg and a gauze that will be soaked in alcohol and heated, then placed in the flask. The egg placed above the opening of the flask will create a vacuum of air inside, causing the flame to go out. At the end the hard-boiled egg will enter the flask due to the pressure exerted by the latter.

