
As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization registered with the state of New Jersey,  Cantantes In Cordibus depends entirely on the generosity of donors to raise the funds needed to continue to bring Renaissance music to both sacred spaces and concert venues. 

Please consider setting up recurring donations by clicking the Donate button:

A Gift with Lasting Impact:

A growing number of generous individuals are choosing to support their favorite causes by making a gift to charity in their wills and trusts. You can make a gift to the Cantantes in Cordibus of a set dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or what is left after taking care of your loved ones. Bequests to the Cantantes in Cordibus are entirely free from federal estate tax and there is no limit on the amount you can leave to the Cantantes in Cordibus or any other charitable organization through your estate.

While attorneys are responsible for the legal aspects of estate planning, we are pleased to provide the following sample bequest language as a courtesy to the members of the Latin Mass community:

I bequeath to

Cantantes in Cordibus


Hillsborough NJ 08844-4003

the sum of $____ (or "___%" or "the rest, residue and remainder of my estate") to support sacred music in sacred spaces.

For more information about making a gift through your estate, to create an endowment to support Cantantes in Cordibus in perpetuity, or to notify Cantantes in Cordibus of an estate gift, please contact the Daniel Sexton at (201) 406-9960, send an e-mail to , or write to the Cantantes in Cordibus at the following address:

Cantantes in Cordibus


Hillsborough NJ 08844-4003

Tax ID number: 45-5211508


Thank you for considering creating a legacy through your support for Cantantes in Cordibus!