

This page is still being edited. Some of the candies on here are ready for use, however due to some creative ideas, I shall be restructuring the transformation candies in a way to be more understandable.

There is so much work to do, holy fuck


Deer Beer

Tags: Deer Transformation

A root beer flavored candy with a slightly nutty taste. This barrel shaped hard candy has a notably earthy, natural taste. With each consecutive candy consumed, the consumer will progressively transform into a deer, starting with the alteration of the consumer’s coat to have small, white spots, males also seeing a growth of hard nubs on their head that will eventually form antlers atop their heads. The second transformation causes males to gradually gain larger antlers, and both sexes will gain thicker coats of fur, best suited for colder weather. The final transformation causes the consumer‘s nose to slightly narrow, their nose to turn brown, and their body to become slimmer, leaving one as either a buck or a doe. 

Special Variant: Reindeer Deer

A special version of Deer Beer that has a hint of minty flavoring added in. An additional effect occurs along with Deer Beer's normal effects, the consume's nose turning to the color of their eyes or their magic, gaining a bright glow to it.


Tags: Equine Transformation

These hard candies come in a variety of farm grown flavors that pack quite a buck! Including Apple, Strawberry, Blueberry, Peach, and Cherry. Upon consuming these, the consumer’s ears shift and morph into a pair of horse ears, followed by a horse tail. Further consumption leads to the consumer’s body becoming tougher and muscled, followed by their feet hardening into hooves. The final transformation sees their head becoming lengthened and narrow, much like that of a horse’s, complete with muzzle. 

Horsechews also have two additional varieties, along with the original brand.

Star Swirls

Named after a great scholar in the field of magic, these sugar coated hard candies with a slightly bitter aftertaste come in various shapes. Including stars, magician hats, and unicorn horns. Upon consuming a Star Swirl, the consumer will slowly grow a small unicorn horn stub that grows along with the normal effects of Horsechews with each candy consumed.  The consumer also  gains the ability to manipulate the world around them using magic, their newly acquired horn a means to channel their newfound magic.


These sour, mouth puckering hard candies are reserved for only the most adventurous taste testers. After consuming one of these candies, the consumer will feel a slight shift in their body: their bones growing lighter. This magic alters the consumer’s bones to be hollow on the inside, the consumer growing slightly lighter. On top of this, the consumer will find themselves able to interact with clouds, able to stand on and even manipulate them. During these two alterations, the consumer will feel a gradual ache in their back as their body is magically assisted in forming a pair of feathery wings that sprouts after a few candies. 


Tags: Bat Transformation

Mango flavored, bat shaped candy chews that’ll make you go batty! When consumed, the consumer will feel their ears grow longer tufts of fur, and grow a set of short fangs. The consumer will also feel their internal clock lean towards a more nocturnal sleep cycle (sleep during the day, stay up at night). Further consumption of these candies leads to the consumer growing a set of leathery, bat like wings, and night vision. 


Tags: Elephant Transformation

Peanut Butter flavor

Trunk, huge feet, tusks

Jumpin Joeys

Tags: Joey Transformation

altered hips for better jumping, 

(Zebra TF Candy Name WIP)

Tags: Zebra Transformation

stripes, longer mane, lithe body




Tags: Shark Transformation

Shark teeth shaped candies have a slight saltiness to their sweet, tropical fruit flavor. Once consumed, the consumer's body starts to undergo slight alterations, their jaws and gums reorganizing to accommodate new razor sharp shark teeth. Further consumption leads to the consumer growing a set of gills, allowing them to breath underwater while still retaining the ability to breath on land, followed by the growth  of a dorsal fin on their back, as well as the start of a the consumer growing (or having their current one morph into) a shark's tail. The final transformative effects to occur are the consumer loses their fur in favor of a smooth, aerodynamic skin that grants the consumer greater speed underwater, as well as a fully formed shark's tail that allows much greater propulsion. Other side effects include the consumer gaining the ability to 'smell' underwater, lending the consumer the ability to track scents easily.



Tags: Dragon Transformation

While it may seem distasteful for many ponies, more adventurous souls will find this treat to be a sweet, smoky flavored delight. Made using pork imported from GriffinStone, Sweets douses them in honey, caramel, and sugar before letting them smoke. The caramel and sugar later harden to create a tasty treat for those who love or are willing to stomach meat. As the consumer suckles on the sweet, hard outer coating, the magic seeps into the consumer, at first only altering their body to produce a higher than natural body temperature, the magic making this feel comfortable to the consumer. It also will sharpen the consumer’s teeth slightly, allowing the consumer to chew the meaty portion of the candy without difficulty, especially for those who do not possess naturally sharp teeth. In addition a set of claws forms on the consumer’s hooves/hands and legs. Further consumption of candies leads the consumer to grow small, leathery wings that grow with each candy, as well as the loss of fur, quickly replaced with scales. The last transformations to occur sees the consumer’s tail becoming reptilian-like, a pair of backward facing horns growing from the consumer’s head as well as a trail of spikes along their spine, and a fully scaled hide. 

YIP Kibble

Tags: Kobold Transformation


Tags: Changling Transformation, MLP Universe

Smores with a bit of a twist! Emoti-mores are made using a teal color dyed marshmallow, nearly pure dark chocolate, and chocolate flavored graham crackers made with holes cut into them. After consuming the first candy, the consumer’s saliva will start to change. Their spit glands beginning to produce a sticky saliva that quickly hardens once it leaves the body, and has a slightly sweeter taste than normal changeling spit. Further consumption leads to the consumer growing a pair of short fangs, a forked tongue, a chitinous body, and the ability to sense any being’s emotion within close proximity. The consumer also becomes an emotivore, able to sustain off of consuming emotions, whether it be from another being directly, or from the emotion that beings emanate naturally. The final transformations to occur are the consumer’s legs becoming hollow and hole ridden, a pair of insectoid wings growing on their back, their midsection becoming translucent and glowing with the emotions the consumer absorbs, and the ability to fully morph into other species. This ability is entirely based on the consumer's magical knowledge and abilities, thus being somewhat limited by the size of the species, or the amount of times the consumer can transform.


Blood Sucker

Tags: Vampire

This blood red, cherry flavored lollipop starts to alter its flavor the more the consumer licks it, tasting more and more like blood with each lick. The candy is also imbued with dark magic that starts to alter the consumer, forming sharp fangs, black eyes with red irises, an ultra-high sensitivity to sunlight that blinds the consumer, and a taste for blood. The effects are temporary, lasting up to 8 hours, however if the consumer manages to drain too much blood the dark magic shall permanently manifest within them, making all effects permanent. Some side effects have also been reported that the consumer is granted a limited range in which they are able to hear the thoughts of others around them following the transformation of their eyes.

Moon Dust (WIP)

Tags: Werewolf

werewolf candy based around fun dip. Narrow, bone shaped candy stick.

Effects: Desire/Craving for meat, long, shaggy fur, claws, increase in size, bright glowing eyes, increase in strength based on the moon’s phase.





Tags: Protogen

Waiting List

TF Candies that have a name and are ready to be made, but need a picture to really be considered finished

Long Necks

Giraffe TF: Longer Neck, Longer Legs, Giraffe Antlers


Elephant TF: Tusk Growth, Trunk Growth, Size increase, thick legs, some weight gain


Zebra TF: Stripes, Lithe Body, some muscle growth

Shark TF: Sharp Teeth, Gills, Shark Fin, Shark Tail

Kangaroo Candies

Cow TF

Foxsicles - Fox TF

Wolf TF

Snake TF