Novelty Candy

Novelty Candy


Tags: Emotion Heightening, Fire Breath

Red, heart shaped cinnamon candy made especially for a friend. These spicy candies contain a special magic that warms the heart and makes the consumer feel the love of others more strongly. If the consumer has a sensitivity to spicy foods, the candy may also cause occasional dragon fire breath to be exhaled. It is a noted side effect that those who have consumed the candy have claimed to have a much happier outlook when interacting family and friends.

-An additional side effect has been noted that whenever changelings or any other being that subsists and consumes emotional energies will have an amplified emotional reception after consumption of FireHearts, leading to speculation that nutritional intake from ‘love energy’ will be multiplied by an unknown value.

Dragon's Breath

Tags: Fire Breathing

These fire red, super spicy, fire shaped cinnamon candies cause the consumer to sneeze fire balls, cough flames, and belch infernos. It is noted however that if the consumer is doused in water before the effect runs out, the candy effect is cancelled.


Tags: Candy Stickers

Edible candy stickers that come in all sorts of silly, cute, and funny designs.

Cat Nappers

Tags: Sleep Candy

These odd, fuzzy textured, salmon flavored candies will cause the consumer to grow tired, the urge to lay around all day and rest, growing more persistent until the consumer finds a comfy spot to curl up for a nap, usually for an hour or two. 


Tags: IQ Increase

Gummy worms in a number of flavors and varieties so unique and intriguing, they often lead to the consumer needing to pause and contemplate each single piece of candy. Some have even reported that they have started writing a detailed report to local bodies of government, some even writing to royalty before stopping mid-sentence and realizing their silliness. Other side effects have noted an increase in IQ among those that sustain long periods of eating Bookworms, though this is an untested speculation at best. 

Speak Easy

Tags: Inebriation Altering

These shot glass packaged apple shaped candies have bubbly, sweet flavor with a bitter aftertaste. Upon consuming a Speak Easy, the consumer will find themselves able to drink an increasing amount of alcohol without having to worry about blacking out upon overconsumption. The more candies the consumer eats, the greater the amount of alcohol they can tolerate. So as to prevent the consumer from alcohol poisoning, the candies have a filtration spell that will aid the consumer’s body in filtering out the alcohol from their body. The downside is that the consumer will still have a splitting headache after waking up. 

Candy 71

Tags: Meme Candy

Is it tasteless, or the greatest flavor you could ever taste? Either way you’ll never remember. Named after the amount of taste tests Sweet's performed before eventually realizing it's effect, upon consumption the consumer completely forgets that they had even tasted or even picked up the candy.


Tags: Randomized Effect

A mash of pastry balls covered in either chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry icing and filled with random candies. There’s no way of telling what will happen if consumed, so be careful. The effects include those on the Transformation and Fetish Specific Candy lists as well.

Pennysworth Coins

Tags: Thought Speaking, Truth Speaking

These chocolate coin candies are a play a timeless classic candy, with a twist! Upon consumption, the consumer will find themselves unable to think without speaking it, speaking their thoughts truthfully without holding back.

Triple Shots

Tags: Energy Candy, Weight Loss

Coffee candy with a highly condensed amount of caffeine, taurine, guanine, and nagical mana, mixed in with a little bit of magic to make sure this bombshell of a candy concoction doesn’t give the consumer a heart attack, not to mention that they can forget about any drowsiness. When consumed, the consumer feels an overwhelming amount of energy that speeds up their cognition and motor skills to insane degrees, leading to the consumer to view and interact with the world like it were in slow motion, meanwhile beings not under the candy's influence see only a blur passing by. The effect lasts for only an hour, once passed the consumer becoming so drained that they fall asleep instantly. Triples come in Mocha, Vanilla Bean, and Caramel Machiato flavors.

Calorie Burner

This variation has a unique flavor and effect on the consumer that promotes calorie burn. Instead of using the high concentrations of guanine and taurine, this flavor uses only a little bit of caffeine, as well as a special chemical blend that causes the consumer to burn calories to fuel the candy’s effect. The result leads to massive weight loss, with high concentrations of magic adjusting the consumer’s body to fit their new, final weight. The effect burns itself out once the consumer reaches a nominal body weight matching their body type and size, the end result leaving the consumer tired and passed out as normal. 

Eye Candy - Candy Make Up Kit

Cotton Candy balls for powder, Lollipop lipstick, and maybe taffy pencils for eyeliner/eye shadow

and it would all come in the Eye Candy kit

And the make up would be safe to consume and be comfortable to apply and wear for extended periods

For mare's and stallion's who want to look deliciously beautiful or handsome

Lem-erang Pie

Slice of pie that doesn't taste like anything until you throw it like a boomerang, the slice of pie returning to land in the consumer's mouth with the delicious taste of lemon  meringue pie

Tick Tockers

Candy watch that tells you the tie upon licking it


Lollipop candy that gives the consumer limited leviation manipulation.

Body Modification

Tail Huggers

Tags: Tail Growth

These fruit flavored candies have a tendency to make things get hairy. Bad pun aside, when consumed, these candies encourage tail growth, making the consumer’s tail grow longer and fuller, though it may also have the side effect of growing a second tail as well, along with consecutive tails afterwards. 


Tags: Fur Splotches

These various milk, white and dark chocolate candies have a easily recognizable flavor, without too much complexity. When consumed, they tend to form spots of black, white, or both coloration on the consumer’s coat or pelt.

Toad Tongues

Tags: Longer Tongue, Controllable Tongue

Despite the odd name, these stretchy, straw shaped, sour taffy candies come in a few different tasty tropical flavors, along with an interesting effect. With each bite, these candies will cause the consumer’s tongue grow in length, equal to the length of Toad Tongues consumed, up to a foot of extended length. If the consumer however decides to use the straw aspect of the candy, then each sip will provide a similar effect, though drawing out the effect. This effect will be much more pronounced, allowing the consumer to gain up to 5 feet of additional length for their tongue. As an added bonus, the consumer is also able to control their tongue much like a frog or toad. 

Changeling Chew

Tags: Disguise Candy

Gumballs infused with a bit of changeling magic. When chewed, these candies collect magical energy which is released upon blowing a bubble. Once the bubble pops, the consumer can change into the appearance of another individual, much like a changeling, holding an mental image of the disguise they wish to change into before popping the bubble. Unlike a changeling however, the consumer does not gain the traits or abilities of the species they choose to disguise as, leading to awkward occurrences such as a winged disguises unable to fly. The Changeling Chew’s magic will wear off after a couple of hours, and will drain even faster with each consecutive pop. 

Prank Candy


Tags: Pun Candy

Upon consuming these cornucopia shaped, fruit flavored candies, the consumer is unable to speak anything except for puns.

Rainy Day

Tags: Rain Cloud

Cloud Shaped candy with a slightly sweet, outer taste and a slightly sour liquid inner center. When consumed, the magic within will form a cloud over the consumer that perpetually rains for two full hours, indoor and outdoors. Hope you brought a raincoat! 


Tags: Invisibility

Chocolate and caramel covered malted milk balls. Turns the consumer invisible for a short period of time. Often used for pranks and other shenanigans. 

Two Tones

Tags: Color Changing

Black and White cookies with a funky effect. Upon consumption, half of the consumer's body from head to tail will invert in color.

Tongue Twists

Tag: Tongue Tying

Long, chewy, cherry flavored candy ropes  that causes the consumer's tongue to lengthen before immediately tying itself in a literal knot, preventing the consumer from speaking (coherently)


Tags: Sparkling Coat

Sugar coated, glittery candies that once consumed, causes the consumer's coat to become sparkly and shiny in bright sunshine.


Tags: Noise Making Candy

These candies have a super sweet, gooey inside. Upon consumption, the consumer finds that each step they take causes a noisy, squishing sound to emit from their feet.


Tags: Ghost Haunting

These candies contain a playful, whimsical spirit within it’s chocolate shell. Upon consumption, the spirit will attend to the consumer for three hours in various ways. Regardless of whether it helps, hinders, or haunts the consumer, it will never bring the consumer any direct harm whether it be physical or emotional. 


Tags: Slippery Grip

A chocolate candy bar with a creamy, greasy filling that upon consumption, the consumer’s hands become constantly coated in a thin layer of super greasy sweat that makes it extremely difficult to pick anything up.


Tags: Super Grip

A chocolate candy bar with a thick, gooey caramel ooze on the inside. Once ingested, the consumer’s hands ooze a thick, sticky goop that clings to any and every surface they touch, the consumer having to peel themselves free each time, the goop making this task very difficult. 

Cotton Chicken Candy Nuggets

Tags: Chicken Noises, Meme Candy

A rare candy that Flavorful makes in limited batches. It is said that they are made using forgotten chicken plush dolls from a secluded town in the North. These candies have the distinct look of chicken nuggets, with the taste too, but have the texture of cotton candy. They also cause the consumer to bok like a chicken uncontrollably. 


Tags: Being naughty never tasted so Nice

Extremely dark chocolate in misshapen lumps that have a chalky texture. Used by artists for sweet tasting sketches and by gift givers who want to give a surprise to naughty children.

Candy Thread

Flavorful Sweets has developed a method of creating a super stringy, tough to pull apart cotton candy that can be used as thread for 

Candy Comforter

Tags: Candy Blanket

These candy blankets are very cozy and comfortable, and any bits that happen to be nibbled off are magically replaced. They also generate a slight warmth.


Tags: Candy Mittens

Super adorable looking candy mittens that are quite cozy to wear, however causes those in close proximity to the wearer to start adoring them, doting on and cuddle the wearer. It is noted that the effect can be resisted, though requiring some degree of effort.