

While many of these candies are not harmful in any way, there are some candies that some individuals wish not to partake in anything to do with. This is totally understandable, and to supplement this, a few guidelines have been created to make it so that the candies are not viewed as either a Deus Ex Machina or an unavoidable thing that will occur regardless of whether the individual wishes it or not. Consent is a big deal, and while few candies may seem to disregard consent, this is entirely not the case. The following Candy Guidelines (also referred to as CGLs) are meant so that the candies in the list can be enjoyed by all.


This guideline states that the candy effect of the candy in question will only occur if the consumer willingly consumes said candy.


Due to the majority of the effects involved with many of the candies in the Transformation Candy, Fetish Specific Candy, and Candy Colas lists, minors are not allowed to purchase any candies in those particular sections of the Candy List.


This guideline states that the candies in question may cause transformations of a species of animal or creature that may have subspecies. As such, the type of subspecies characteristics that apply to the transformation shall be up to the roleplayer to interpret within the confines of the candy. This effect only applies to Transformation Candies.


This guideline states that any candy that grants the consumer any additional abilities, whether they be magical, mental, or physical, the consumer is not granted mastery over said abilities. Just as with any other individual, the consumer must learn how to control and use said abilities. An example would be if the consumer were to grow wings. While they have some instinctual knowledge on how to use them, the consumer must still learn how to fly. This guideline mostly effects candies under the Transformation Candy section.


Variety of flavors means that the candy follows the normal pattern of generic flavors, but may also include specialty flavors that are outside the normal flavorings, much like real candy. These normal flavorings include Strawberry, Grape, Cherry, Blue Raspberry, Green Apple, and Watermelon, and Banana.


Should the description of a candy effect specify otherwise, MOST of the candies, when multiple are consumed, shall only have the effect's timer reset with each candy consumed. The amplification of a Candy Effect will only occur either if the description of the effect specifies it, or if the consumer takes one of the Strongberry Candy Colas. That being said, it never hurts to use some level of interpretation when it comes to artistic or roleplaying sessions while using any Candy.

Guidelines may be added in the future to supplement any concerns that may be brought up in the future.