Fetish Candy

A Side Note.

Please note that a majority of these candies contain many fetish themes. Therefore this list is marked as NSFW for that reason. Please also be aware that while this list may contain fetishes you do not agree with, we ask that you be respectful towards any others that may have an interest in such fetishes, and therefore do not lash out at any disagreeing individuals, or kink shame in any way. These are meant to be fun for those who wish to enjoy their kinks in an interesting manner, or explorative for those who are curious about other fetishes and how they interact with an individual's own interests.

These candies are grouped together by a common theme or general kink that they share, such as Frost Bites, which are snow inflation candies, are listed under Inflation.


Cherry Pops

Tags: Virginity Vaginal TightnessBag Size: 5 lollipops

Ever wanted to feel like a teenager again, experiencing her first time? This cherry flavored lollipop will let you do it all again! With a couple of licks, or for girls more daring and press the lollipop within their pussy, the consumer will feel their vaginal walls begin to tighten, their muscles and hymen being repaired like new, making the consumer able to feel the aching tightness and feeling of their hymen being torn. The effects are single use per candy, and do not have a time limit.

Cooch Smoochers (reworking)

Tags: Pussy Lip GrowthBag Size: 8 Pieces

Pussy shaped, glossy gummis in an assortment of berry flavors. Upon consumption, the consumer's pussy

 secondary magical effect allows the consumer’s lip and neck to stretch comfortably, allowing them to deep throat much bigger cocks than before. Cooch Smoochers also have a secondary use too, altering a consumer’s pussy lips should they decide to press the candy into their pussy, their pussy lips bulging outward, making them able to stretch and fit bigger insertions.

Booba Bars (wip)

Tags: Breast Growth

Milk chocolate bars laced with a bit of magic infused breast milk. Upon consumption, the consumer's breasts will grow an additional two cup sizes per candy eaten. Should the consumer be flat chested, the candies will form their breasts into B Cup breasts. Effect lasts for 2 hours.

Milk Buds

Tags: Breast Growth, Lactation

Milk Chocolate balls with a milky filled inner core made with a special blend of milk and hormonal altering magic. Upon consumption, these chocolates will growth the consumer’s breast size by one cup size per candy, as well as altering the consumer’s breasts to start milk production as if the consumer were heavily pregnant, with each subsequent candy consumed increasing the consumer’s output of milk. The milky center of the chocolate balls comes in a variety of flavors from chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and even hazelnut. Milk Buds also have a secondary effect based on the flavor of the milky core, with the consumer’s milk taking on the flavor of the particular milk of the candy’s core, or mixing the flavor of the consumer’s milk if they decided to consumer multiple flavors. Lactation effects lasts up to 1 hour, with breast growth lasting up to 2 hours. Consumer may experience slight, but noticeable side effects should they consume too many Milk Buds, such as semi-permanent breast growth and even constant lactation in more serious cases.

Alternate Flavor:

Buttercream: This flavor is a bit sweeter than the normal vanilla, and has a heavier texture to it. Upon consuming this alternate version, the consumer’s milk is boosted in caloric content, making their milk highly fattening


Tags: Cock Growth, Hyper

These large, seemingly normal jawbreakers are laced with stimulants and magics that seep into the consumer as the suckle on the 12 layer jawbreaker. For each layer that the consumer finishes, their cock grows an additional inch in length, as well as one-sixth an inch in diameter, leaving the consumer to gain a whopping 12 inches in length, and 2 inches in diameter of veiny pleasure upon finishing the Jawbreaker. Cock Growth lasts up to 2 hours, subsequent candies prolonging the effect. Consumer may experience slight, but noticeable sides effects such as semi-permanent cock growth should they consume too many Jawbreakers in a short period of time.

Teeny Weenies

Tags: Cock Shrink, Denial

Tiny, itty bitty cock shaped hard candies with a grape flavor. Upon consumption, the consumer will feel an arousing tingle in their cock, building up as the consumer’s cock shrinks by an inch for every 12 Teeny Weenies consumed. As the consumer’s cock shrinks smaller, the flesh and nerves become more sensitive to sexual stimulation, though if the consumer isn’t too careful, they may just eat enough Teeny Weenies to completely shrink their cock  into their flesh, leaving them unable to cum entirely. Cock shrinkage and cock loss effects last up to 2 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging effects. Should the consumer lose their cock entirely, then their bodily functions shall be routed to either a working pussy or anus. 

Breast Shrinking Candy

Coconut Creams

Tags: Cum, Hyper

Cum longer and harder. Small, coconut flavored candies with a creamy, milk flavored inside. These candies have alternate effects depending on which sex the consumer has. If the consumer testicles, then upon consumption the consumer will feel a tingling within their balls, followed by rapid stretching and bloating as the consumer’s cum production ramps up.

If the consumer has a pussy instead (or as well), then upon consumption, the consumer’s pussy will start to constantly secrete sex fluid, lubricating their entrance and making quite the mess doing so. Ball Size and Cum Production and/orVaginal Lubrication effects last up to 2 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging effects.

Ball Shrinking Candy (wip)

Tags: Ball Shrink, Shooting Blanks

Upon consumption, these candies will shrink the consumer's balls. Should the consumer have enough, their balls will fully recede into their body, at which point further candies consumed only increase the duration of the effect. Should the consumer lose their balls, they are still able to experience orgasm, though their body would produce nothing and thus the consumer would be shooting blanks.

PeaNut Ups

Tags: Cum, Impregnation, MPreg, Fat

Chocolate-covered peanut butter balls that come in either a White or Dark coating, each with their own quirky effect.

White Chocolate: Upon consuming a White Chocolate PeaNut Up, the consumer may feel a slight tingle in their testicles, signalling the effects of the natural and magical enhancers altering the consumer’s cum production, making their seed more potent and virile and raising the chances of the consumer to impregnate their partner, even if the individual in question is of an entirely different species.

Dark Chocolate: Upon consuming a Dark Chocolate PeaNut Up, the consumer may feel their testicles start to feel heavier, the magic within the candy altering their cum production to produce cum that is high in caloric content, making it very fattening to consume. Upon each ounce of cum consumption, the individual ingesting the altered cum will gain a pound of fat, with the amount of weight gained per ounce increasing with each subsequent candy consumed in a short period of time. 

Both virility and cum fattening effects last up to 2 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging the effects. Consumers may experience slight, but noticeable side effects such as a semi-permanent increase of virility should they consume too many PeaNut Ups within a short period of time.

With enough candies, consumers under the magical influence of PeaNut Ups can even impregnate males. The concentration of magic built up in the consumer's cum will provide the necessary means to alter the recipients organs to accommodate such a pregnancy.

Ponut Balls

Tags: Ponut, Hyper

For those looking for some anal fun. Ponut Balls are doughy, powdered sugar covered donut holes with a gooey, sweet inner core. Upon consumption, the consumer’s anus will start to expand, becoming puffier with each candy. Along with the expansion of the anal ring, the consumer’s anus will also become stretchier, allowing the consumer to take larger insertions through their anal passage. Ponut size and elasticity effects last up to 2 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging the effects. Consumers may also experience slight, but noticeable side effects such as a semi-permanent increase in size of their anus should they consume too many Ponut Balls within a short period of time. 

Pretzel Barbs

Tags: Cock Barbs

Soft pretzel twists with sharp, doughy barbs shaped along the twist of the pretzel. Upon consumption, the consumer's cock will grow a series of sensitive nubs and barbs along the the length of their shaft. Additional Pretzel Barbs consumed will increase the length and size of the barbs to a (certain size, then won't grow anymore) and increase the length of time the effects last. Effects last up for 2 hours.

Flare Rolls

Tags: Flared Cock

Doughy bread rolls with a sweet glazing and shaped to have a flared shape on one end. Upon consumption, the tip of the consumer's cock will flatten out and grow a thick flare that will swell out when hard. Additional Flare Rolls consumed will increase the girth and size of the flare (up to a certain size, then will stop growing) as well as increase the duration of the effects. Effects last for 2 hours.

Dough Knots

Tags: Knotted Cock

Soft bread knots dusted in a light coating of powdered sugar. Upon consumption, the consumer's cock will swell out at the base of the shaft and form a canine-like knot. Additional Dough Knots consumed will increase the girth and size of the knot (up to a certain point, before stopping growth entirely) and the length of the effects. Effects last for 2 hours.

Extra Genitals

Cunny Bunch

Tags: Additional Pussy

Honey flavored, crunchy candies with a creamy inside. Upon consumption, the consumer will feel the skin of their taint start to burn momentarily before the flesh splits apart to reveal a brand new, glistening pussy as tight as a virgins and just as sensitive. Each candy consumed will form additional pussies, with no limit yet to be recorded on how many a consumer may have. A small side note to add is that while the consumer is granted an additional pussy, the pussy (and any additional pussies gained) will not form their own womb, instead all connecting to the same womb, unless another womb is present (See, Wombo-Combos).

Wombo Combos (wip)

Tags: Womb Growth, Additional Womb, Multiple Pregnancies

Flower shaped gummy with an odd flavor that varies between consumers, with some reporting the taste of pickles, to neopolitan ice cream, and even buttery popcorn. Upon consumption, these 

Pink Hydras

Tags: Cock Growth, Additional Penises

A bright pink, multicolored cluster of penis shaped taffies.These taffies have a strawberry flavor and smell with small hints of musk scent. Once consumed, these candies will cause a nub to grow at the base of the consumer’s cock, the nub bulging and growing bigger and longer until it becomes a full fledged and functional second cock that matches the consumer’s original cock at its current size. If the consumer does not have a penis, then this candy will grow a single, 6 inch long, 1 inch girth penis with a pair of 1 inch sized testicles. Should the consumer already have a penis, then this candy will grow **only** one additional cock per candy. 


Tags: Ball Growth, Additional Balls, Increased Cum Production

Cluster of malt balls covered in caramel and chocolate and topping with a bit of sea salt, each one filled with a creamy chocolate inside. Upon consumption, these candies will cause the consumer’s testicles to swell in size before splitting, creating a second pair of identically functioning testicles . This in turn also causes the consumer's cum production to double, triple, or further increase depending on how many candies are consumed. Each testicle in turn can also be affected by growth candies such as Coconut Creams, will cause even further cum production by an exponential increase.

Rack Stackers

Tags: Additional Breasts, Increased Milk Production

Breast shaped, milk candies. Upon consumption, the consumer will feel small buds forming just beneath their lowest pair of breasts, the buds growing into full fledged, working breasts after a short growth spurt. Additional consumption of Rack Stackers cause additional breasts to form, one pair per candy consumed.

Pucker Suckers

Tags: Additional Puckers

Ring shaped lollipops with a fruity, sour taste with a chewy, tart chew in the middle of the lollipop ring. Upon consuming the candy's tart center, the consumer will feel their anus start to stretch, the sensation quickly ending shortly after as their anus ring splits into two separate pucker, the new one just as operational as their original. Should the consumer decide to consume another Pucker Sucker, the will find themselves gaining another pucker, with each subsequent one after adding another anus to their taint region


Gender Bender

Tags: Gender Swap

 Pink and Blue colored candies with a sweet Strawberry or Blueberry flavor (respective to their color).. Upon consumption, the consumer’s genitals will swap to the opposing gender, also morphing the consumer’s body structure and musculature to match their new gender. This effect lasts for 4 hours. 


Tags: Feminizing

Pink, cool, refreshing mints with a hint of bubblegum taste. These candies will shift the consumer’s facial features and body structure to become more feminine, yet leave their genitals as normal. These effects include wider hips, a curvier, sexier body shape, narrow shoulders, and slight size shrinkage to the consumer’s cock and balls. This effect lasts for 2 hours, but can be extended with each subsequent candy consumed. 

Bro Bites

Tags: Masculinizing

 Miniature, chalky tasting protein bars chock full of natural and magical testosterone boosters. These candies will bring out the buff bro within you, leaving the consumer growing bulkier, their chest widening and hips moving closer together, their muscles defining better. The candy also has a slight effect on the consumer’s breasts, shrinking them down slightly to be less pronounced. This effect lasts for 2 hours, but can be extended with each subsequent candy consumed.



Tags: Increased LibidoBag Size: 10 pieces

Named after a popular pin up and famous athlete, these candies are likely to leave the consumer hot and bothered under the collar. Upon consumption, the consumer will feel the spicy flavor of these candies simmer down toward their nethers before exploding into a raging, lust filled heat, leaving the consumer with only one desire: To get their rocks off. This effect lasts for 1 hour, but can be extended with each subsequent candy consumed.


Tags: Arousal Reducer

Does your morning wood wake you before your alarm clock? Finding yourself in a meeting with a awkward erection? Every time your boner making you go "Oh no!" more than once? No fear! With Cull-Aids, these cooling mints will make you go "Oh yeeeeah" as that stiffy goes and stays gone for up to an hour.

Wing Tips

Tags: Increased Sensitivity, Tickling

These wing shaped candies cause the consumer to grow extremely sensitive to any form of touch, making it feel like any contact with anything, it’s as if their body is being tickled by feathers. 

Ginger Slaps

Tags: Pain Increase

Causes any light tap, pat, or gentle slap to feel 10 times worse. Does not increase pain from serious injury or already strenuous pain. 

Shock Tarts

Tags: Electrical Play

Tart candies that cause a minuscule amount of electrical energy to course through the skin of the consumers genitals and nipples, providing small, stimulating shocks that tease and torment their body. Each shock is also slightly amplified with each tickle, poke, prod, and touch to their body.


Tags: Sound Altering, ExhibitionismBag Size: 30 Pieces

Chewy hard candies shaped like teeny tiny miniature bongos that come in a variety of flavors and, when tapped, produce a loud, wet smacking sound. Upon consumption, the consumer may find that any specific noises involved during sexual activities will be amplified tenfold, including and not limited to: panting, moaning, groaning, wet smacks, splurts, dripping, ball smacking, thrusting, safewords, dirty talk, bed creaking, sloshing, screaming, and more. Plappers also have a secondary effect that dampens the sound effect for the consumer, making any amplified noises sound completely normal to the consumer. The effects of Plappers last up to 4 hours, with no side effects occurring afterwards.

Sweet Hearts

Tags: Irresistible Attraction

These cinnamon heart candies not only warm the spirit, but also warm the heart to the first thing you see. The consumer will either form an irresistible desire toward the object in question, or an infallible love for the person they see. These candies only last for an hour, but the time which the effects last can be increased by consuming more candies.

Snug Me’s (rework)

Tags: Snuggle Fetish

These candy scarves are made with Sweets’ patented Cotton Candy Thread, making a comfortable, warm scarf that is able to stay wrapped around the wearer’s neck thanks to the candy thread’s ability to stick to itself. On top of this, the magic infused into the scarf itself causes the wearer to have the incredible desire and need to snuggle the nearest person near them. Often times the wearer will resort to drastic measures if denied, such as pouting, crying, moaning, whining, and even showing willingness to submit to another person, and their desires, just for the simple satisfaction and comfort of a snuggle. The only downside to wearing the Snug Me is that once the wearer puts it on, it can only be taken off by a person that gives the wearer snuggles. 

Libi Link Vines (wip)

Tags: Shared Libido

long strands of fruity licorice filled with fizzy fondant. When shared between two individuals, their libidos are connected for2 hours. Warning, may cause arousal feedback loop, ending in intense orgasms. Please eat responsibly

HotDoggerz (wip)

Tags: Increased Anal Sensitivity, Hot Dogging


Tags: Lethargy, Phantom Weight

Brick shaped brownies with a light coating of powdered sugar on them. Upon consumption, Brickies will overcome the consumer with an intense sense of weight being pressed down upon them, making the consumer feel heavy, lethargic, and struggling to move their body. Effects last  up for two hours. Additional Brickies consumed will make the weight the consumer feels feel even heavier, as well as increase the duration of the effect.

ByeSight Balls

Tags: Temporary Blindness, Blindfold

White, hard candy balls with a softer, chewy inside and a eyeball themed exterior, with the pupil replaced with a black 'X' mark. Upon consumption, the consumer will start to leak a black, viscous fluid from their tear ducts, the fluid steadily building up before forming itself into a film over the consumer's eyes, thickening up until it blots out any form of light from reaching the consumer's vision, blinding them completely. Effects last for an hour, with additional candies extending the duration.


Swirly Qs

Tags: Spiral HypnosisBag Size: 1 Lollipop

Large, flat lollipops with entrancing, spiral colors and flavor. Upon initial contact with the consumer's saliva, the lollipop's effects begin to allure the consumer's mind, slowly but surely making their subconscious more open to suggestion. Should the consumer become fully entranced by the effects, the consumer will remain in a hypnotic state and fully relaxed. A light version of the effects can also be achieved by the Swirly Q's hypnotic exterior design as well should any viewer lock their gaze with the swirling design while the candy is waved about in front of them.  Swirly Q effects last up to 1 hour should the consumer receive no subconscious stimuli (ie, the consumer is left alone to consume the candy in full), or up to 4 hours should the consumer be interacted with and be given hypnotic suggestions.

MushMellow Brains

Tags: Hyper Suggestivity

Makes it to where the consumer's subconscious becomes much more suggestible, making it easier for them to take commands or implant hypnotic triggers or behaviors. Brain shaped marshmallow candy.

Mantra Malts

Tags: Mantra Installers

Upon consumption, the consumer will accrue a fixation on a series of predetermined phrases and words that will repeat within their active mind and subconscious, eventually creating a compulsion for the consumer to repeat the words to themselves for the duration of the candy's effects. The mantra in question is based on the flavor of the candy

Sub  - Chocolate and Caramel

Dom - Dark Chocolate and Peanut Butter

Diapers - White Chocolate and Lavender

Weight Gain - -Bacon and Chocolate

Toy/Drone - Black Cherry and Dark Chocolate

Petplay  - 

Blimp - Mint Chocolate

Blueberry Inflation - Blueberry

Bimbo - Cherry and Strawberry

Jock -

Sex Toys

Trojan Taffy

Tags: Candy Condom, Cock Flavorer

 Condoms made using a special blend of taffy mix, with center filled with a small bubble of sugary juice that acts as a lubricant. The juice inside also has a pleasant side effect of temporarily flavoring the wearer’s cock to the same taste as the taffy, as well as coloring it to match the flavor.These condoms have been stress tested and are able to withstand and hold up to 2 gallons of cum; especially useful for those who are well endowed. Trojan Taffies come in a range of flavors, from Sour Apple, Blue Raspberry, Grape, Orange, Lemon Lime, Strawberry, and Cherry. Cock flavoring and coloration effects last up to an hour. Wearer’s can also wrap multiple condoms together to mix flavors too, should they choose to do so. 

Choco Cock

Tags: Chocolate Dildos

Large, hollowed chocolate horsecock with a hole in the base for a variety of applications. The chocolate is infused with hardening magics that only affect the candy when being used, disabling when the user consumes the candy and turning to normal chocolate. Choco Dicks also have magic that allow them to stick to a wide variety of surfaces and walls, allowing them to be used for virtually any position. The hole at the base of the candy is also easily able attach to any strap on strap using the same magic.

Pocket Peel

Tags: Fleshlight

Banana flavored fleshlight shaped like a banana peel. Once wrapped around the user's cock, it will secret sugary lubricant. Due to the shape of the fleshlight, the candy can be opened up to be cleaned, allowing for multiple uses should the user desire. Each use will cause the yellow peel to brown, gaining a chocolate flavor until the entire peel is brown. Once fully browned, the fleshlight will become rigid and turning into hollow milk chocolate.

Very Berry Vibe

Tags: Vibrator

Grape flavored purple hard candy infused with magic to cause it to vibrate. The vibration settings can be adjusted from the buttons on the plastic base of the vibrator. The candy will power itself using the user's innate magic, siphoning only a fraction of their magical energies to use for power. If for some reason the user is nearing depletion of their magical reserves, the candy will automatically shut off.

Candy Cane Plug

Tags: Candy Cane Butt Plug, Double Penetration, Chastity Cage (Male Genitals Only)

 Massive, 2 inch wide candy canes with a bulging base near the curve of cane, meant to act as a anal plug. On top of this, the short end of the cane has two uses depending on the user’s genitals. Should the user have a pussy, the short end can be used for double penetration, the short end having a similar bulge that acts as a knot and also rubs against the user’s clit. If a user instead has a cock, then the short end can be wrapped over the user’s cock and balls, the cane’s short end morphing to form a chastity cage around the user’s male genitals. Once the cage is in place, it will lock itself for 2 hours, after which the cage will unlock. Should the user wish to dispel the cage, the user must simply grip the curve of the Candy Cane Plug and let the magic dispel the cage before the user can remove the plug fully. 


Tags: Candy Anal Beads

Stringed sets of five jawbreakers,  with the next one down the line being slightly larger than the last. As the user pushes the first, and each subsequent bead thereafter in the user’s anus, another jawbreaker will appear at the end of the string, slightly bigger than the one before it. This makes it an ideal candy toy to use for training one’s anal passage. When the user wishes to remove the beads, the number of jawbreakers formed will remain so the user can gauge their progress. Should the user leave the jawbreakers in their anal passage, the magic’s within the candies will allow them to be safely digested, leaving only the string and the last jawbreaker that was not used. 

Willy Wanker (wip)

Tags: Auto-Masturbation Toy

Bondage Gear/Toys

Jolly Gag

Tags: Jawbreaker Gag 

Large, inch and a half in diameter jawbreaker covered in a thick layer of taffy and attached to a locking strap. The layer of taffy comes in a variety of flavors, but is mainly there to keep the consumer’s jaws and teeth from discomfort, as well as some magic laced into the taffy to  prevent the wearer from drooling too much. Upon being put on, the Sweet Suppressors will magically tighten itself around the wearer’s head until it fits snugly.

Gumball Gag

Tags: Ball Gag

Large, fruit flavored gumballs with a smooth, rubbery texture. Upon initial consumption, these gumballs seem to have no discernable difference compared to normal candies of similar nature, but after a few moments of chewing, the consumer will start to feel the chewed up gumball start to expand in their mouth, quickly forming into a inflated bubble big enough to stretch their jaw, the bubble's material proving too tough for the consumer's teeth or even foreign objects to pop, leaving their mouth helplessly muffled from the makeshift ball gag. Gumball Gag effects last for 2 hours, after which the bubble pops itself, reforming into a normal wad of chewed up gum.


Tags: Lollipop Paddle

Giant, flat lollipops measuring an entire foot in diameter with a sticky, sweet fruit flavor and a sturdy, magically reinforced stick, allowing these massive lollis to be used as an effective paddle. Especially effective after having been licked a few times, as wet end will stick to the target and sting more when pulled away. 

Liquorice Whip

Tags: Whip Candy

Tough to chew licorice straws with a flattened end piece that double as a sticky, candy whips. 

Thorntails (rework needed)

Tags: Flogger

When chewed on, the licorice whips attached to the handle harden and strike harder. Must be coated in saliva for any pain to be felt by the victim.

Sugar Rod

Tags: Sounding Rod

Thick, strongly mint flavored peppermint sticks with magic that let the user easily slide the rod into their urethra, magically altering their urethral passage to give it a tingling, orgasmic sensation while preventing any damage done to  the user's nerves while stretching. Should the consumer in the unfortunate event be unable to remove the Sugar Rod from their urethra, the candy will easily dissolve into the consumer’s balls after roughly 24 hours, during which the consumer is unable to cum due to passage blockage. After the candy is digested and dissolved, the consumer’s cum shall have a minty taste that lasts for a week.

Lock n' Lick

Tags: Chastity Cage

Multicolored, fruit flavored chastity cages made from magically laced taffy and hard candy. Upon being placed on the wearer’s cock, the Lock N Lick will keep the wearer from becoming fully erect, and will stay locked around the wearer’s cock for a set period of time. In order for the wearer, or the wearer’s partner to indicate a time, their is a bright pink nub at the tip of the chastity cage that can be tapped, each tap indicating an additional hour added to the cage. The maximum time frame that a Lock N Lick can stay locked in place is 168 hours (1 Full Week), for safety concerns. Should the wearer’s partner wish to reward the wearer with an early release, the wearer’s partner can lick the cage until it is wittled away enough to remove. Note, any licks received to the Lock N Licks will be felt through the cage itself thanks to the latent magic extending the wearer’s sense of touch to a limited capacity. 

Jizzler (wip)

Tags: Cum Transfer, Sounding

Licorice Straw candies with slick, lubricated tips, allowing for easy penetration into the consumer's cock tip



Tags: Null Bulge

Mixed berry flavored chewy candies with a padlock symbol emblazoned on the outer shell of these purple candies. Upon consumption, Knob-Stoppers will cause the consumer's genital body parts (cock if male, pussy if female, and both if the consumer should have both organs) to leak a thick, viscous goo that starts to coat and cover the groin area of the consumer's body, steadily building up and hardening into a thick, rubbery bulge. Once the bulge has formed, the consumer's genitals will then meld with the bulge itself and melding it to their body, becoming sensitive to touch and extremely pleasurable to any form of stimulation, but with no physical means of providing a release for sexual stimulation, only having a small slit on the underside of the bulge for bodily urinary use.  Consuming additional Knob-Stoppers will lead to an increase in size of the bulge formed, and an increase in the duration that the candy effects last. Effects last 4 hours, and once the time limit finished, the magics will reform and restore the consumer's original genitalia before the bulge pops free form the consumer's body.

Latex Taffy

Tags: Latex, Transformation, Latex TFBag Size: 8 Pieces

Blackberry flavored taffy with a chewy, rubbery texture. These tart taffies will start forming a thin layer of latex that spreads from the consumers stomach upon consumption, traveling all the way up and down the consumer's body, leaving only holes for the consumer's orifice's and eyes. Should the consumer ingest more Latex Taffies, the layer around the consumer's body will thicken, becoming stiffer and tighter as it squeezes around their body. Should they consume at least 3 bags worth, the layer of latex surrounding the consumer will merge with their skin for the remainder of the candy effects duration. The effects of Latex Taffy lasts up to 4 hours, with additional candies being consumed resetting the magical effects.

Tiers 1 - 6

1 Candy forms a armless and legless bodysuit made of latex 

2 Bodysuit gains arms and legs


Fizzy Filters (wip)

Tags: Breath Play, Breath Control

sweet, taffy candies with a fizzy, sour filling and shaped like small radiation symbols.

melds the consumer's mouth and nostrils shut and forms a pair of gas mask filters from the sides of their mouth. Filters also have nozzle mounts that allow one to connect them to a hose for feeding or alternative air sources.

Whipped Crémes (needs rework)

Tags: Bondage Gear

A thick, dark chocolate covered, heavy cream candy laced heavily with magic. When consumed, the magic forms various bondage gear that encases the consumer. The more consumed, the greater the restraint. 

Licor-lace (wip)

Tags: Sissy Clothing

Stringy pieces of licorice infused with magic. Upon consumption the consumer will be instantly shrouded by a smoke cloud. Once the smoke clears they will be wearing skimpy, lacy clothing. This is an odd candy, and if the consumer is wearing any sort of clothing, then those clothes will be changed as well. 

Suit Chews (wip)

Tags: Encasement

Encasement candies that form a tight body suit around the consumer and a plug in each orifice.

Snug Me’s (needs rework)

Tags: Snuggling, Desperation

These candy scarves are made with Sweets’ patented Cotton Candy Thread, making a comfortable, warm scarf that is able to stay wrapped around the wearer’s neck thanks to the candy thread’s ability to stick to itself. On top of this, the magic infused into the scarf itself causes the wearer to have the incredible desire and need to snuggle the nearest person near them. Often times the wearer will resort to drastic measures if denied, such as pouting, crying, moaning, whining, and even showing willingness to submit to another person, and their desires, just for the simple satisfaction and comfort of a snuggle. The only downside to wearing the Snug Me is that once the wearer puts it on, it can only be taken off by a person that gives the wearer snuggles.

Denial Dots (wip)

Tags: Self Denial

These small, colored dot shaped candies are sweet come with a sickeningly sweet taste, masked only by a small bit of fruity flavoring. These candies will magically lock various biological functions, leaving them in distress until a certain pressure of time period 

Each flavor has a specific form of denial:

Knobstoppers (wip)

Tags: Null Bulge Candy, Orgasm Denial

Upon consumption, causes the consumer's genitals to recede into the consumer's body and form a small bulge in place of their nethers, with a small slit for bodily fluid functioning and sensitive nerve endings that cause any sort of touch received to the region to feel intensely orgasmic. Despite this, the bulge completely voids the consumer of feeling any means of peak orgasm or 'release', leaving them pitifully unfulfilled.

Fetish Specific Transformation

Jelly Bellies

Tags: Slime Transformation

These gummy, bear shaped candies have a gooey inside that change the organic makeup of the consumer’s body into a more slime-like substance. The consumer retains control of their body mass. The more Jelly Bellies one consumes, the more body mass the consumer’s body gains. 

Cotton-Me Candy

Tags: Plushie

A special blend of sugar is used when making this light, airy candy. The result is a cotton candy that will begin to turn the consumer’s insides to cotton with magic, eventually leading to the consumer’s body becoming similar to a plush toy.

Silk Milk (either rework or remove)

Tags: Plushie

Milk made with an infusion of enchanted spider silk extract that causes the consumer to become heavily plushified, their skin taking on a softer, thicker material than that of the effects of the Cotton-Me candies that releases a gentle, soothing warmth from the consumer’s body.

Sponge Cake

Tags: Sponge, Water Inflation

These delicious slices of cake come topped with a bit of pineapple. Upon consumption, the consumer's body becomes spongy and absorbent, causing the consumer to grow in size when coming in contact with water. Adversely, if the consumer starts to lose moisture, their body starts to shrink and become stiff. Another note is that if the consumer starts to absorb too much water, their belly will start to inflate in order to store the excess amount.


Tags: Pool Toy

These rubbery, sugary candies come in packs of eight and range in different shapes and sizes. Including pony shaped, rings, and even a selection of animal shapes. The consumer will transform into a living pool toy, with rubbery skin and a stem to blow air into in case of deflation. As an added affect, the consumer’s body can also take the shape of the candy they consume, making the consumer into either a inner tube, an inflatable orca/shark/dolphin, or normal pony shaped. 

Action Apples (rework)

Tags: Action Figure

These superhero shaped, brightly colored apple flavored candies alter's the consumer's body to be entirely made of plastic, their internals magically morphing to match that of an action figures, with a swiveling head, and stiff movements. The secondary effect the candy has is the consumer's body is able to have their body parts detached, much like a action figure, the consumer still able to feel with said limb, but unable to use or move it once it leaves it's socket. Once the effect runs out, the consumer's limbs will teleport back into their sockets and revert back to normal, leaving the consumer once again free to move about normally

Choco Bros

Tags: Chocolate Transformation

Chewy, sweet, humanoid shaped chocolate bars like that come with a variety of fillings and flavors, each with a similar effect with a unique twist tacked on. All Choco Bros have a singular effect shared between the different flavors in that they all will transform the consumer's body into 100% edible chocolate.


Tags: Diaper Transformation

Small, pink candy puffs made from the same cotton candy and marshmallow material as Candy Pamps. These candies have a similar effect to the Candy Pamp's consumed effect, but with a more refined and different outcome altogether. Once consumed, the consumer will undergo their body transforming into a diaper-like plastic material, just like consuming a Candy Pamp would. However, instead of retaining their body shape, the consumer's body also starts to shrink and compact, folding in upon itself intp that of a diaper, the consumer's face imprinting upon the front of the diaper. In this form, the consumer (now diaper) still retains their sense of touch, smell, and sight, able to view the world from the front of their diaper form. 

Growth (wip)

Jock Rocks

Tag: Muscle Growth

 Hey You! YEAH YOU! Have you ever wanted to get ripped and get that workout bod you’ve always wanted without ever going to the gym? Now you can! These hard, rock candies are packed with magical stimulants that force natural growth to produce real results! As the consumer starts to suck at the candy, the magic  will stimulate natural growth of muscles within the consumer, giving them rock hard abs and impressively beefy muscles. Muscle growth lasts up to 3 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging the effects. 


Tags: Micro

These tiny, bite sized, cinnamon flavored candies cause the consumer to shrink by one centimeter per candy.

KaiChews (wip)

Tags: Macro, Impulsiveness

Fruit chew candies shaped like cartoon mega monsters. Cause the consumer to grow 40ft tall per candy. Causes the consumer to be more impulsive in their decision-making

Pawp Rocks

Tags: Hand & Foot Growth, Hoof Growth, Paw Growth

These candies come in various shapes and sizes, all varying between different kinds of footprints from different creatures. Upon consumption, the consumer's hands, feet, hooves, paws, or other traversal appendages shall growth in size, the rest of the consumer's body remaining unchanged


Tags: Lip Growth

Strawberry bubblegum formed in the shape of big, puffy lips. When the consumer blows and pops bubbles with BimboBlow, each pop will release a sudden burst of magic that will cause the consumer's lips to puff up thicker. The magic effect wears down with each bubble blown and popped using a single piece of candy.

Cerberors (wip)

Tags: Multi-Head

Grow an extra head per candy. Grow up to three heads! Further consumption after the third head is grown only increases the duration of the effect.

Tail Taffy(wip)

Tags: Tail Maw Growth

grows (or reforms the consumers current) tail into a fully functional, controllable tail maw

Gumdropple gangers (wip)

Tags: Cloning Candy

plump, sugary gumdrops that, when applied to with saliva or a small piece of hair, can grow into a fully forms, candy made clone of the individual in question.

Udder Candy (WIP)

Tags: Udder Growth

blah blah blah, grows an udder for the consumer on consumption. Additional candies will make the udder grow, but every tenth candy will grow an additional udder on the consumer's body.

Belly Maw Candy (WIP)

Tags: Belly Maw Candy

Upon consumption, the consumer's belly button (or area where a belly button would be) reshapes and stretches across the width of the consumer's belly to form a giant mouth capable of consuming and directing whatever it consumes to the consumer's stomach as if it were their own, normal mouth.



Tags: Weight Gain, Over TimeBag Size: 10 Pieces

A sweet, buttercream flavored candy balls with a light chocolate coating. Each candy is packed with magically super-condensed butter to pack tens of thousands of calories into a small piece of candy. In addition, Butterballs are laced with a spell to magically control the rate of the consumer’s growth, making it a steady, slow gain of weight. Each Butterballs is packed with enough calories to cause the consumer to gain 10 pounds of weight over the span or 10 minutes per candy. As the consumer consumer more Butterballs, the amount of weight gained over time increases. Butterballs are also laced with a secondary magic that forces the consumer’s body to safely burn 80% or the weight gained via Butterballs after 4 hours since initial consumption. 


Tags: Butt Growth, HyperBag Size: 10 Pieces

Shake what your mama gave ya! These double conjoined-fruit shaped and flavored candy come in a variety of flavors. When consumed, these candies will cause the consumer’s  ass to grow bigger and wider, also widening their hips to accommodate for their heavier posterior. Each consumed will grow the consumer’s rump by an additional pant size per candy. Ass growth and Hip Widening effects last up to 2 hours, with subsequent candies prolonging the effects. Consumers may also experience slight, but noticeable side effects such as semi-permanent ass and hip growth should they consume too many candies within a short period of time. 

Thunder Pies

Tags: Thigh and Ass Growth, Weight GainBag Size: 4 Pieces

Tart but sour tasting lemon and blueberry mini-pies with a crispy crust and tingly sparks of electricity arcing between the fruits covering the top. 

Upon taking a bite, the consumer will start to feel a tingle in their upper legs, the sensation growing stronger as they finish each pie, followed by the steady growth of the consumer's thighs and asscheeks. After a minute of growth, the consumer's thighs finish growing to roughly 2 inches in diameter, with their ass gaining considerable padding as well, with the size increase lasting up to 3 hours. During this time, the consumer's thighs and ass will be sensitive to touch, causing small shocks and tingles whenever the consumer's ass is rubbed, groped, or even smacked. Should the consumer's ass cheeks smack together during this time period, a deafening thunderclap will emit, sending an arousing jolt through the consumer's body.

Pear Candy (wip)

Tags: Pear Body Shape

Grows the consumer's belly and rear, and thighs while lessening the layers of fat around their arms, chest, neck and facial features.


Tags: Weight Gain, Belly FatteningBag Size: 10 pieces

Thick, chunky wads of cookie dough formed into bite sized portions. Upon consumption, these candies will cause the consumer to gain 5 pounds of weight with each candy, with 80% of weight gained forming on the consumer's belly area, helping the consumer to grow hefty rolls of flab and a big, wobbling gut in no time. The effects of the weight gained are mostly temporary, with roughly 80% of any weight the consumer gained from consumed Cookie Dough Bites being magically metabolized after a period of 4 hours.

Fruit Feasties

Tags: Stuffing

Feeling super hungry? Ever wondered how it’d feel to eat a feast-sized meal fit for royalty? This candy has you covered, with a literal feast of super-densely packed freeze-dried meals, this candy could feed a party of 10 a five course meal with dessert. Once consumed, the magic laced within the candies provide moisture to the meals at a rapid rate one by one, allowing for the stomach to accommodate to the massive intake of food rather than outright burst  due to overload in a minute. Warning: DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN ONE within a 2-hour timespan 

Belly Bloats

Tags: Stomach Capacity IncreaseBag Size: 6 Pieces

Colored, translucent hard candies with a black liquid filled inside, that comes in a couple of fruity flavors. The black liquid inside is an archano-chemical mixture that is magically directed into the consumer’s stomach lining upon consumption, the magical chemicals altering the consumer’s stomach lining and skin to become resilient and stretchable, giving the consumer’s belly a slightly bigger capacity. As a secondary effect, the magic also alter’s the consumer’s lower ribcage, allowing them to open out as the consumer’s stomach stretches. 

As more candies are consumed, the consumer’s stomach capacity increases. After 6 hours, the effects of the candy will start to fade gradually, and the consumer’s belly will start to recede slowly as the contents of their belly is digested. During this four hour period, the consumer’s stomach will feel intensely full and will have a dull, constant ache in their belly so as to dissuade  the consumer from eating more and hurting themselves.

(Author’s Note: Since it’s really hard to quantify stomach capacity, the amount one's belly can be stretched is up to the roleplayer's discretion)

Glorpers (wip)

Tags: Stomach digestion rate increase

increases the rate of digestion

Purple gelatin cubes

Plumpkin Pie

Tags: Fat, Transformation,Box Size: 1 Pie

Delicious, traditional pumpkin pie with a few alterations, from magically laced pumpkins with transformative properties to calorie laden pie crusts and sugars. When the consumer takes their first bite, the magic inside the pie will go to work, the massive amount of calories quickly adding onto the consumer’s frame in the form of pudgy fat with each pie slice containing roughly 50 pounds worth in calories, meanwhile transformation magics will start to turn the consumer’s skin (or fur) orange, starting at their feet and working its way upward. As the consumer eats more, a small compulsion spell will convince the consumer to eat the rest, allowing the transformation to continue, their body growing immense as their belly surges in size, growing tens of pounds. As the consumer starts to reach the last slice, their body will be completely orange, save for their hair (and tail should the consumer have one). As the consumer finishes the last slice. Their hair will turn green, and their body will have gained 400 pounds of body fat. After 4 hours, a final set of spells kick in, returning the consumer to their original coloration, as well as burning 99.5% of the weight gained from the pie’s effects. Should the consumer eat more Plumpkin Pie, the transformative effects shall remain unchanged and the consumer will continue to gain weight, the effect timer not starting until the consumer stops eating Plumpkin Pies. 

Reader's Digestives

Tags: Fat, Skinny Librarians Worst Nightmare, Weight GainBag Size: 12 Pieces

Thin, book shaped biscuits.with a thin layer of chocolate. Perfect as a snack for a long reading session. Upon consumption, the consumer will feel a small, yet nagging compulsion to read, starting usually with their favorite book or magazine, and later leading the consumer to desire to read anything and everything they can get their hands on. As the consumer reads, they will ever so gradually begin gain weight, with every 20 paragraphs the consumer reads gaining them 1 pound. The amount of weight gained increases with each subsequent biscuit consumed by an extra pound. The consumer will also feel their compulsion to read grow more as they consume more Reader's Digests, gradually want ing to read bigger, and more wordy books as the effect progresses. The effects of Reader's Digests last for roughly 2 hours, with the consumer burning roughly 80% of weight gained as the magic effect fizzles. Note, the Candy Emporium is not responsible for any late fees caused from not returning books to their respective libraries.

Calorie Bomb (wip)

Tags: Instant Weight Gain

Bomb shaped candies, Has a small delay on fattening effect.Causes a loud burp after the fattening effect goes off.

Hard candy with a licorice 'fuse' leading to the center. Causes instant weigh gain, each candy causing the consumer to grow 20 pounds.

Funnel Cake (wip)

Tags: Funnel Feeding, Weight Gain

Conical, hollowed out cake slices that stiffen and harden in the consumer's mouth to be used as funnels. for feeding purposes



Tags: Air Inflation

Chewy, colorful gummies filled with a burst of magically compressed helium/air mixture. Upon consumption, the consumer's belly will quickly expand and fill with air, the candy's magic sealing the air mixture inside the consumer's belly for up to 2 hours, with each candy containing at least (BLANK) Liters of air mixture. Should the consumer take more than one Heliyums candy, the consumer may be at risk of their body becoming lighter than air, causing them to slowly but surely float away. Subsequent consumption of Heliyums candy will cause the consumer to continue to inflate, as well as rest the duration of the Heliyums candies already in effect. Once the candy's magical effects wear off, the consumer's body is freely able to release the air mixture in a safe manner however the consumer's body is able.

Trouble Bubble (wip)

Tags: Bubble Popping Inflation

Bubblegum Candy that inflates the consumer whenever they try and blow a bubble

Huff N' Puffs

Tags: Breathing Inflation

Fluffy cotton candy wads with an airy, yet fruity taste. Upon consuming Huff N' Puffs, the consumer may not notice any changes at first until a few minutes pass, as they very gradually start to feel their belly get bloated, eventually starting to round out and inflate as the consumer slowly fills with air with each breath they take, the inflation effect lasting for 2 hours as the consumer is gradually inflated into an immobile blimp. Should subsequent candies be consumed, the rate at which the consumer will inflate is incrementally increased due to the slow but steady and consistent rate of the effect, allowing for a safe yet enjoyable experience. Once the candy's magical effects wear off, the consumer's body is freely able to release the air in a safe manner however the consumer's body is able.

Pleasure Pops (wip)

Tags: Inflation, PoppingBag Size:

Lollipop that causes sexual pleasure to trigger rapid inflation, with the consumer bursting upon orgasm, immediately reforming a short few seconds afterwards. The more of the lollipop consumed, the greater the rate of inflation occurs during sexual pleasure.

Berry Blast Taffy

Tags; Berry/Fruit Inflation

Taffy with an explosively delicious, juicy inside that gushes out upon chewing. Comes in a variety of flavors. Upon consumption, the consumer will start to inflate with fruit flavored juice, their body slowly changing hue as they inflate (Color and flavor matching the flavor of the Taffy.), the discoloration and inflation originating at the consumer's stomach before spreading out throughout their body, their arms and legs starting to inflate and leading to the consumer's body taking on a more spherical shape. As the consumer reaches the apex of their spherical shape, they will start leaking the same juice inflating their body, the flow growing more steadily. Once the consumer has reached a spherical shape, the candy's effects will last up to 3 hours. Subsequent consumption of Berry Blast Taffies will lead to the consumer inflating to larger sizes, as well leaking larger and larger amounts of juice. Should the consumer happen to be squeezed while inflated, the amount of juice inside their body would leak at a much greater volume.

BubbleCum Chew

Tags: Cum Bubbles

Multicolored gumballs with a gooey inside that cum come in a variety of flavors. Upon being chewed, the consumer will a churning in their balls as the juices digest, the magic causing their cum to take on a different color (usually one similar to the flavor the consumer chose) as well as becoming more viscous and sticky for a period of two hours once the consumer stops chewing the piece of Bubblecum. During this period, should the consumer experience orgasm, their cum will immediately form a sticky, gum bubble on the tip of their cock that will continue to inflate during the length of their orgasm. The size of said bubble will vary, depending upon the amount of cum the consumer can produce. Once the consumer's orgasm dies down, the consumer may freely detach the bubble simply by gently pulling it off their cock, the bubble sealing itself, remaining until either popped or until the bubble walls decay.


Tags: Infinite Candy Filling, Inflation, StuffingBag Size: 2 Pieces

Chocolate truffles stamped with an ouroboros symbol, these candies contain a fusion of multitudes of flavor fillings typical of regular truffles, combined with a special magic that makes finishing such a candy impossible, as they continuously replenish with a different flavored filling.

Frost Bites

Tags: Snow Inflation

An odd candy, these simple milk chocolate truffles are packed with minty flavored snow inside for a sweet, chilling taste. The after effects however are a little bloating, as the consumer will inflate full of magically altered snow that is hard to melt; the candy’s magical properties altering the consumer’s insides to withstand chilling temperatures, leaving an odd but interesting experience.

Soda Poppers

Tags: Variety, Inflation

While these candies start out as blank slate, these solidified carbonated water candies will absorb any soda flavoring syrup added to it and infuse with that flavor, along with any other added to create mixes of soda flavorings, even cherry and vanilla flavored versions of various sodas. Upon consumption, these candies release a large amount of bubbles that inflate the consumer. The consumer also inflates slightly larger with each consecutive burp, as the vibrations cause the magically contained carbonation to multiply the amount of gas remaining in the candy and prolong its effect for a slightly longer amount.

There are also many different flavors based on the Candy Emporium's Candy Colas, each with their own unique twist.

Tea Bs (wip)

Tags: Boba Tea Inflation

Boba candies that upon consumption cause rapid inflation, the consumer swelling with 2 liter's worth of Boba Tea per candy.

Pregnancy (wip)

In-Cube-8's (wip)

Tags: Impregnation, Pregnanncy

An interesting recipe Flavorful came up with after a visit to Stallionsgrad. These color coated, hollowed out chocolate eggs are filled with caviar, providing a unique taste. The caviar eggs inside are infused with delicate magic that morphs them into full scale eggs within the consumer’s body. Males will store eggs within their bowels and give ‘birth’ from their anal region unless candy is consumed via urethra, in which case eggs shall be stored within a male’s testicles. Females will retain their eggs with their womb. The size and amount of eggs produced depend on the amount of candies consumed. 

Ova Loads (wip)

Tags: Increased Pregnancy Size

Grows a magically sustaining sac that produces additional, magically altered ova to the females ovaries that will facilitate larger pregnancies

Pred And Prey (wip)

Saliva Stimulation


Tags: Prey Capture, Digestive Prevention

Vore Candy that forms a lining around the walls of their stomach in preparation for consuming another individual whole, The lining protects the individual inside from digestion.On top of this, the digestive juices are altered to let off a sweet, heavy smell that is aphrodisiac in nature, muddling the one consumed to feel intense pleasure at the tightness of their pred's belly

Viper Kisses (wip)

Tags: Jaw Alteration, Large Oral Insertions

allows the consumer to unhinge their jaw like a snake, as well as altering their bone structure slightly to allow the consumer to swallow larger objects

 Breast Fiend (wip)

Tags: Breast Vore

Candy that alters a females breasts to consume and digest anything pushed inside


Tags: Prey Tracking

causes the consumer to become smell irresistible to predators, and makes it so predators with a keen nose can easily track the consumer.


Candy Pamps (wip)

Tags: Candy Diapers

Made from a fusion of marshmallow and cloud magic for a thick and very absorbent core, cotton candy thread for a soft, comfy feel that also has a sweet aroma, and sturdy, taffy based tapes that can be easily adjusted and stick on tight once snug. Candy Pamps will also magically resize themselves to fit any wearer, and 

Candy Pamps have the unique ability to absorb other candies should any candy make prolonged contact with the worn candy diaper.. Once absorbed, the wearer's Candy Pamp will magically alter its composition. Depending on the candy absorbed, the diaper will take on a different effect:

Apart from all the extra effects that can be added to the wearer’s diaper, Candy Pamps also come in a variety of different styles and designs, each with their own own effects and traits from one another.


Cotton Mallow

Back to basics! Plain white diaper with a random, pastel candy colored tapes.

Coco Cruiser

The perfect pull-up for the beach going babe. Coco Cruisers are perfect for a day out in the sun, with their cute, water themed pattern with tropical fruits doting the front and breathable design. Coco Cruisers are a pull-up variant with a breathable material around the leg holes and waistband and a special Cotton Candy hex structure that keeps the diaper perfectly capable of absorbing any liquids for those daytime piddlers while being airy and discrete for the perfect daytime candy diaper for any 24/7 little, with a small tropical fruit infusion to help absorb any lingering odors long enough for a fresh change after outdoor playtime.


For the devilish littles who like to cause mischief. Troublemaker Candy Pamps have an outer layer infused with a mix of berry flavored taffy for a smooth, rubbery texture, with a print decorated with locks, keys and handcuffs on a hexagon pattern that reflects different colors when light hits the design. Troublemakers also have a hidden feature that causes the tapes to fuse to the diaper and the exterior become resilient and impossible to tear, trapping the wearer in the diaper for a full 48 hours. This effect is activated by the wearer (or caretaker) tapping the top two tapes three times, and can only be deactivated early by a caretaker willing to change the wearer, or until the time effect wears off after 48 hours.

Cloud Cover

Extra absorbent diapers for those extra long flights. Cloud Covers are designed for fliers in mind,with a sky blue diaper with a cute cloud pattern print to make it less noticeable to those below, extra clouds packed into the core of the diaper for extra absorbency, as well as a little more bulk to keep the wearer’s rump feeling at high altitudes. Unfortunately, all that extra absorbency comes at a small inconvenience. Should the wearer happen to fly directly through a patch of clouds, the high concentrated weather magic of the diaper’s core will draw additional clouds into its mass, thickening up as the cloud is absorbed. On the bright side, this also increases the diaper absorbency even further!

Lovey Dovey (wip)

For cuties who are coming to terms with loving their new attire. Lovey Doveys are sissy themed candy diapers with an adorable heart pattern on top of a pink , perfect for shy sissies learning to show their pride for wearing their favorite undergarments. 


Diapers made for the roguish, defiant littles who don't want a change, with a cute leering skunk pirate pattern on a black background to show you mean business! Swashbucklers come loaded with a blackberry infused, odor absorbing layer to keep your little one's poop deck smelling tolerable, as well as an interior layer containing oils that secret into the wearer's skin, helping to prevent rashes for long periods without changes . Swashbucklers also have a bubblegum rubber exterior that allows the material to stretch and hold firm, letting the wearer comfortably enjoy their candy diaper longer without worry of a blowout.

Savannah Soaker

Candy diapers with a saturated olive green color with a grassy print on the sides. These diapers have an extra sweetness to them granted from the infusion of sugary dates to the diaper's material. Savannah Soakers are also designed to be the most absorbent diaper possible, with a specialized core made to never leak, as well as a specialized outer shell that will expand indefinitely to fit the ever expanding inner core.

Toasty Tot

Ultra warm candy diapers neant for cold winter nights and outdoor activites in freezing temperatures. Made with extra fluffy, marshmallow interior to lock in warmth, and a soft, graham cracker based exterior meant to keep the cold out. The leg guards are also built extra puffy to seal comfortably around the wearer's legs to lock in warmth in case the wearer chooses to forgo any pants or coverings for their bottom. The print design mimics the looks of a graham cracker, with a infused scent of smores for that cozy, campfire smell.

Peppermint Paddy

The perfect diaper to wear to the spa. These candy diapers are infused with peppermint to give them a refreshing scent and an even more soothing feel, keeping the wearer relaxed and refreshed thanks to the additional lotions and oils imbued in the inner material of the diaper, slowly secreting into the wearer's skin over time.

Moon Waddler (wip)

Take to the stars! Moon Waddlers let you walk like the astronauts, forcing the wearers legs apart and giving them a localized lower gravity area for the wearer.

Spring Showers (wip)

Encourages the wearer to wet their diaper

Neon Nighties (wip)

Glows in the dark when used

Ageplay (wip)

Paci-Pops (wip)

Tags: Mental Regression, Muscle Relaxer

Pacifier shaped lollipops that have a gentle, mind relaxing magic that slowly regresses the consumers mind to a simpler state, often incurring babbling of incoherent sentences.

Spewl Bwocks (wip)

Tags: Toddler Speak

fruity chew candies shaped like toy letter blocks. Upon consumption, these candies will form a minor mental block that will cause the consumer to pronounce words with a lisp, much like that of a toddler. Usually words involving the letters 'L' and 'R' are the most affected. Effect lasts up to 10 minutes, which can be extended should more be consumed.

Rumble Rattle (wip)

Tags: Buzzy Wand, Vibration Wand

 Giant lollipop with a hollow core filled with fizzy rock candies. When shaken, the candy emits a sound that ever so slightly scrambles the consumer's brain to distract them from any thoughts they had.

Large, spherical lollipops with a hollowed center filled with magic infused rock candies that vibrate when active. When the consumer shakes or licks the Rumble Rattle, the magic in the rock candies charge up, building up energy until it releases it, the rocks vibrating intensely for short, five minute periods at a time, acting perfectly as a sort of buzzing massage wand. Should the consumer break the outer shell of the Rumble Rattle and consume the 

Gummy Gums

Tags: Teething Ring, Phantom Sense, Self Pleasuring

Fruity, chewing gum ring that reforms itself as the consumer chews on it, making sure that it retains it shape at all times. Once the consumer bites into the Gummy Gum, the ring binds itself to that consumer, linking it's magical stimulation effects the that specific consumer for it's effects duration. Once binded, any chewing, licking, and nibbling on the Gummy Gum ring will be magically translated into sexual stimulation against the consumer's nethers. Different  areas of the Gummy Gum ring correlate to different genital stimulation, including any of the opposite sex of the consumer's gender, even if they do not have said organ, giving the consumer a phantom sense of sexual stimulation (ie, a female consumer can feel the sensation of their dick being sucked, or a male feeling their pussy pleasured). Should the consumer swallow a Gummy Gum, the candy will enter a frenzy mode until it's digested, the magic sending constant pulses of pleasure to wrack their body. Average digestion has been observed to last for an hour. The binding magic lasts for 2 hours after the first initial bite to the candy.

Leaky Lemons (wip)

Tags: Bladder Incontinence

Tart ,yellow hand candy with a little bit of a sour lemon sugar filled center. Upon consumption, the consumer will start to experience a slight tingle in their bladder, the magics in the candy relaxing the muscles of the consumer's bladder steadily while also 

Hump Puffs (wip)

Tags: Plush Humping, Compulsion

Small cotton candy bundles shaped and decorated to look like a plush toy. Upon consumption, the consumer will start to feel an arousal and attraction towards the idea of humping their plush toys, the idea becoming more and more dominant in the consumer's mind until it becomes a urgent need, at which point the second spell of Hump Puffs becomes relevant: The consumer is unable to cum unless they hump a plush toy. The effects of Hump Puffs lasts for 2 hours. Additional candies consumed increase the duration of the effects.


Caramel Coats

Tags: Caramel Sweat

Candy that makes the consumer secrete caramel from the sweat pores of their body, creating a thick layer around their body, making movement hard...and very tasty 

Sloth Taffy

Tags: Slob

Feeling lazy? These large pieces of soft, fruit flavored candy have unique magical property that allows the consumer to chew for an extremely lengthy time frame, during which the magics infused in the taffy provide the consumer with a feeling of lethargy, easing any aches and pains in the consumer’s body, but also making the consumer uninterested in doing anything that requires much effort, aside from chewing the candy constantly.

Belch Buster Balls (wip)

Tags: Unstoppable BelchingBag Size: 6

Causes the consumer's belly to feel incredibly bloated, leading them to continuously try to belch to relieve the pressure. The immense relief the consumer feels with each expulsion is magically altered to feel more pleasureful and euphoric, all the while the pressure in the consumer's stomach continues to rise. Effect lasts 2 hours.


Tags: Fart

These mints, while smelling fresh and providing a cooling taste, contain magics that alter the consumer’s digestive tract to produce an abundance of methane and other various gasses building up, leading to the consumer having uncontrollable bouts of passing gas, the more mints consumed, the louder and longer the fart.


Tags: Gentle Incontinence

Standard laxative candy with a twist! When consumed, this candy will also steal the consumer’s ability to control urination as well as defecation for a relaxing, care-free mindset. 

ReLax candies have two separate variants:

Fudge Factory

Tags: Scat

This delicious and soft treat is available in a typical variety of flavors, its effect however is far from typical. On consumption, the consumer’s bowels rapidly fill with ‘fudge.’ Upon release, the ‘fudge’ is instantly replaced, allowing the user to produce the ‘fudge’ like a factory line anywhere they move. 

Dark Magic (wip)

SuccuChew (wip)

Tags: Demonic Portals, Succubus Summoning, Ball Draining

IncuBlow (wip)

Tags: Demonic Portals, Incubus Summoning, Cum Inflation

Eldribles (wip)

Tags: Tentacles, Infestation, Reverse Penetration

Gummi Grubs

Tags: Insects, Infestation, Living Candy, Replicating

Living, magical constructs made out of gummy candy and shaped to look like fat, bloated worms. Upon consumption, these candies will wriggle and squirm down the consumer's throat before nestling in the consumer's stomach. Once the Gummi Grub has settled in, they will begin to reproduce, laying tiny jellybean eggs that will hatch into more Gummi Grubs, repeating this process over the duration of the Gummi Grubs' effect. Any hatched Gummi Grublings may attempt to move from the host consumer's stomach and into various other organs, though this should not alarm the consumer as any Gummi Grub and Grubling has been magically coded to avoid damaging any organ inhabited beyond repair, or from inhabiting the consumer's heart or lungs. The Grublings will mostly likely find home in the consumer's bladder, bowels, digestive tract, breasts, balls, womb, and cock. Four hours after the initial consumption of the original Gummi Grub, all Gummi Grubs and Grublings will travel back to the consumer's belly, gathering together before the magic dissipates, leaving them as inert, non-magical gummi worms. Additional Gummi Grubs consumed can increase the duration of the initial infestation, as well as the size of the hive grown within the consumer.

Sugar Slimes (wip)

Tags: Living Slime, Infestation, Inflation


Gullet Gropers

Tags: Throat Swabbing

Grows feelers inside the consumer's throat that pleasures cocks as the consumer is getting throat fucked


Tags: Ponut Lubricant/Secretion

These glazed donuts are a great compliment for Ponut Balls. Upon consumption, the consumer will start to feel their ponut start to secrete a layer of sugary, sticky glaze that coats their pucker, acting as a lubricant or as a tasty treat for those looking to nibble on a sweet tasting ponut. The doughnuts themselves are also very calorie rich, and come in a variety of flavors from chocolate, birthday cake, and cinnamon.

Innie Cakes

Tags: Fuckable Belly Button

These chocolate bar candies deepen the consumer’s navel and makes the skin around it extremely sensitive and pleasurable to touch, making the consumer’s belly button the perfect fuck hole. Any fluid discharged into the consumer’s belly button is also absorbed into their stomach.

Ampusnacks (wip)

Tags: Temporary Limblessness, Magical AmputationBag Size: 5 Pieces

Bandage shaped chocolate candies with a creamy flavored filling, with 4 different varieties to choose from. Upon consumption, these candies will release magics that form a complex spell matrix that visibly erodes away specific parts of the consumers body, keeping the body parts in question safely stored away in a pocket dimension to be reattached once the spells have dissipated.




Cock and Balls

Bag Size: 5 (varients are available for those with additional limbs)