
Camp Olympus is so much more than just a summer camp! It is a place where old family feuds are put to rest and teenagers can enjoy their time with fun-filled, life-changing activities! Our camp has cozy cabins with private bathrooms and large facilities for group usage! We hope to see your campers* soon and cannot wait for this summer session to start! Below are some that have already signed up and started a little about me in our online forum! Go and check it out if you're interested!

*Campers must be Gods or Goddesses, or of Godly descent no exceptions*

In regards to the statement above, we have chosen for this camp to be exclusive as a way to focus in on who these God's are and where they came from. We find that in teenagers tumultuous years that they benefit from being around kids who are similar and can relate to having God's as parents.

View of our cabins at the site!

Meet Our Campers!

Penny- Hey guys! For those of you who do not already know me, I'm Penny! I grew up in the ocean off California. I have come to summer camp every year since my dad, Poseidon, has gained custody! It is my first year in the teenager group and I cannot wait to meet everyone! I will keep a diary blog of all of my adventures! I am just so excited!!!

Zac- Bow down. Ha! I'm totally playing. My dad is Zeus and Camp Olympus is just a few miles from where I live. If anything weird goes down my father will hear about it, but just know that he and I are very opposite and I really would like to just hang on the down low. See you guys soon.

Demi- Okay, my dad Dionysus is making me come to this camp to get me "on the right path." But nobody worry, I won't let that happen anytime soon and I'm bringing the punch... if you catch my drift.

Alexa- Hello, I am very excited to meet all of you. My name is Alexa and my mother is Aphrodite. I hope you guys can look past that and some other distracting features and get to know my personality! See you guys soon!

Andrew- Look, I'm not saying be afraid of me or nothing, but my dad is Ares and we have a short fuse so just watch it. As for the ladies, try not to gawk. ;) Cannot wait to get this party started.

Hector-First things first, let's not comment on my name. I know it's weird, but my parents weren't in their right mind. Hermes-or dad- likes his Magical Herb a little too much sometimes. If anyone of you guys are interested in a business deal though-just message me.

As you can see we have many great kids coming this summer and hope your teenager will join us!

~~~These stories will be written from the point of view of Penny, as it is her diary you will get the exclusive look into! However, these teens are simply re imagined God's and will use their "parents" stories as their own!~~~