Calvin-Specific Analysis

An Analysis of Calvin's Motivational Patterns:

Forethought Phase → While Calvin does not appear to exhibit any notable concerns regarding Self-Motivation Beliefs, he certainly struggles with Task Analysis.  Calvin has significant struggles with strategic planning and goal setting, and has difficulties properly managing his time.  While this is not the most impactive area of concern, it lays the groundwork for where the majority of his challenges lay.

Performance Phase → Calvin's main struggles are located in the Performance Phase.  He has textbook challenges relating to Attention Focusing and Task Strategies, as he clearly struggles with orienting himself and maintaining self-direction.  Calvin gets easily distracted and "derailed" from the task at hand, and has no notable strategies to redirect himself.  In virtually every comic strip regarding Calvin and his school work (both homework and projects) he begins to focus his attentions elsewhere, and he loses momentum with the task at hand.

Self-Reflection Phase The cycle of Calvin's dysregulation does not end at the Performance Phase, but instead continues into the Self-Reflection Phase, and Calvin's lacking ability to self-evaluate.  Calvin's self-evaluation skills mean that he does not strive to improve his work, and is content metaphorically plateauing.  Self-evaluation is an important skill in regards to self growth, both academically and socially.