Calvin's Influencers

Calvin's Patterns: 

Through his home life and school life, Calvin's expectations from his peers and supervisors negatively impact and further push his behaviors away from positive student-regulated learning habits. Calvin in many instances is very creative, but tends to snowball farther away from the task at hand. Even picking a research topic is hard for him and when he eventually does, he focuses on everything else surrounding that central task.

His mind is never closed off to one way of thinking, but instead one idea branches off into a plethora of other ideas. It's this highly energetic brainstorming that sets him apart from others. Ms. Wormwood even points out that his research paper entitled, "Tyrannosaurus Rex: Fearsome Predator Or Loathsome Scavenger?" might've been 'too complex a subject'.

As researched by Paul Tough, character strengths that resolve towards the betterment of an individual result in a path of "the good life". While he is free spirited and true to himself, he often falls short on the academic side of things. Tough argues that "failure is the key to success" and without it, one cannot grow without learning from their mistakes. How Calvin can learn from his failures ties into the self-reflection phase of SRL. Even before this, Calvin struggles with task analysis and therefore also has trouble managing his time. This starts at the forethought phase where planning can be a step off point in finding success. During Calvin's performances of tasks, he has difficulties with his attention and focus.

I believe that on a larger scale, Calvin is influenced heavily by this idea and has the grit to withstand this trial and error such is life. The ability to push the boundaries is often met with push back from societal norms, however; Calvin is never truly phased which further influences his self regulated patterns. While he has not been met with a physical deterrent, grades and assignments don't have any meaning to him.

The SRL forms are not easily learned. In Calvin's case, he's never been given good examples of these practices from his home life to even in the classroom. Without a fundamental understanding of how to manage his time and mind during tasks, the performance phase suffers so much that by the time the task is done, he wants nothing to do with it anymore and dismisses the self reflection phase.