Why Does He Have This Particular Pattern?

Calvin exhibits different motivational patterns inside and outside the classroom, each for different reasons and motivations. 

Calvin In The Classroom: Calvin acts the way he does inside the classroom because of his lack of intrinsic task interest. Because he is not interested in the topics he is being taught, he lacks the regulation skills to center him back to the classroom after going into his imagination and focusing on other tasks. It is clear in the comics that Calvin does not have a positive relationship with the school, and no one in the school has recognized that a change needs to be made to help Calvin with his self-regulation skills. Calvin does not set goals for himself, strive to meet those goals, or reflect on his actions. In Figure 1.1, Calvin uses creative ways to look like he is paying attention in class, with better self-regulation skills, he could use that creativity and effort toward school. 

Calvin Out Of The Classroom: Calvin has a better grip on his self-regulation skills outside of the classroom because he is interested in what he is doing and has a positive relationship with his life outside of the classroom. He believes that he is interested and can be successful outside of the classroom, which activates his intrinsic task interest and his brain can naturally bring out the self-regulation skills he needs to be focused and learn. This is a pattern that can be seen in Figure 1.2 below. Calvin's use of forethought can be seen when he is planning his "adventures" and activities with Hobbes. Calvin's performance is seen when he is executing his ideas and goals, and the self-reflection of his actions can be seen when he talks with Hobbes. Calvin uses his routine to regulate his emotions and reactions, when it is changed, it impacts how he chooses to control his life.

Figure 1.1

Figure 1.2