Teaching Methods 

Positive Motivational Patterns 

Calvin has a low self-efficacy as well as a fixed mindset. Calvin does not have the motivation to accomplish simple tasks inside the classroom and outside the classroom. He does not listen to authority and has a way of thinking that he will not need these lessons taught in school out in his life. Calvin needs more precise teaching methods to keep him interested in the material taught in school and action plans to keep him motivated. 

Calvin sees school not as a necessary evil but as a burden. As seen in this comic, Calvin is seen trying to get his teacher's attention by asking if these teachings will help him out in the world and is then shut down. Calvin wants opportunity but doesn't want the workload to accomplish it. With his fixed mindset, Calvin does not see his ability to do better in school as he believes his abilities are static. Teaching Calvin seems to be a difficult feat when in actuality his teacher's need to find what makes him tick. Calvin sees rewards as his due diligence for being in class and doing his work. Teacher's realizing that will help keep Calvin motivated. 

Positive teaching skills can be described in many ways when it comes to Calvin. Calvin has intelligent cynicism.  Calvin decides that creativity is lost in the classroom due to guidelines and grades. Having more creative projects and papers where Calvin can show his skills will help his motivation. With these teaching methods revovling around creativity, Calvin will see it as being fun and make his fixed mindset into a growth mindset.

Hayley Mooney