Plead to Mrs. Wormwood 

Action Plan for Calvin

Calvin acts the way he does because of his low self-efficacy, fixed mindset, attribution to his classes, and learned helplessness. All of these expectancies result in Calvin not being a productive and motivated student. Calvin does not see he has the abilities to do well in school. Tests and homework in particular. 

Calvin has less motivation then the rest of the students. Calvin could do better with more creative opportunities within the classroom. Calvin does not like having more guidelines within his homework assignments. Calvin seems to day dream when there are more lectures during the class time. Overall more creativity within the classroom can keep him motivated. That comes to mean that there can be changes to the curriculum and instruction from his teachers. An open mindset is seen as more keen for students like Calvin. To keep Calvin motivated he needs to change the way he thinks about school. Having more abilities to do that within the classroom can help Calvin have a higher self-efficacy, growth mindset, and no learned helplessness. 

Ms. Wormwood,

Calvin needs more opportunites within the classroom to expand his knowledge about his courses. Motivational patterns vary between students and need individual accessibilites to accomplish their assignments and tests. Calvin deciding to not listen to the instructions and lectures in the classroom shows the issue within the structure. Changing the structure of the classroom should show more abilities to form a growth mindset. A growth mindset lets the student expand their levels of knowledge because they do not see their abilities as static. Calvin specifically would provide more insight if there are opportunities to have a growth mindset because of the structure within the classroom. As well for instruction updates instead of doing just lectures and speaking at the students, implement activities to keep Calvin interested in the topics discussed. Within the assessments, learning should be assessed based on Calvin's level on commitment towards the assignment. Having Calvin be assessed on his learned helplessness will let him see that he can change that mindset. Having more one-on-one involvement with Calvin when giving back assignments and tests can help with Calvin's self-efficacy. Having higher self-efficacy will get rid of his self-handicaping which revolves around Calvin not looking dumb. Talking to Calvin about his contributions and involvement inside the classroom will help Calvin figure out the idea of not looking dumb will not help him keep motivated. 

Hayley Mooney