Upcoming Events

Other Events:

We are looking for volunteers for our events committee, if you would like to volunteer please contact Michelle Morris at 443-295-3369.

We are planning an ice cream social this summer however we are waiting for the COVID-19 pandemic to subside before we announce a date.

Next Board Meeting :

Due to COVID19 we will be conducting the board meetings via teleconference. If you would like to attend please send an email to CalvertBeachBoard@gmail.com. Board Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm. During the winter months board meetings are held as needed.

Upcoming Board Meetings:

  • 4/20/21 @ 7:00 pm

  • 5/4/21 @ 7:00 pm (Annual Meeting and Election)

Our Annual Meeting :

Our Annual Meeting and election will be held virtually on Tuesday May 4th 2021 at 7pm:

The following candidates are running for re-election:

  • President □ Rick Salen

  • Vice President □ Michelle Morris

  • Treasurer □ Theresa Neumann

  • Secretary □ Chase C. Maggiano

  • Director □ Mike Latham

  • Director □ Shannon Jones

  • 1 yr Trustee □ Robert Gibbs