Calvert Beach Civic Association

Welcome to Calvert Beach

2023 Annual Meeting 

Election Results

I would like to thank all the community members who attended our CBCA Annual Meeting, it was a terrific turnout and there were many good suggestions on ways we could improve the association and ideas discussed for social events.  If you didn’t attend the meeting, we would still like to hear from you about your suggestions to improve the CBCA or social events you would be interested in the association hosting this coming year.  Please send your suggestions to us at

I would like to congratulate the following members who were elected to the CBCA Board of Directors for the upcoming year at our annual meeting on May 16, 2023:

President - Rick Salen

Vice President - Kelly Jones

Treasurer - Theresa Neumann

Secretary - Meghan Dyson

Director - Robert Gibbs

Director - Mike Latham

Two-Year Trustee - Paul Murdoch

One-Year Trustee - Shannon Jones

Paul Murdoch remains our 2-year trustee and was not up for re-election this year.  

Our next board meeting will be held on June 21st at 7pm.  Please email us at if you would like to attend in person and we will reserve the Long Beach Community Center for the meeting. If no community members are attending the board meeting in person, the meeting will be held via teleconference.  We are more than happy to have members attend either in person or via teleconference.  

Thank you again for those who took time to attend the annual meeting and to all the members who voted by proxy ballots. Congratulations again to the members who were elected/re-elected to the board, I look forward to serving on the board with you, during this coming year.

Rick Salen



CBCA Trash Cans

The CBCA trash cans at Avenue D and the boat ramp are intended for beach trash, they should not be used for household trash.  If you see someone using them to household trash please send an email to


April 7, 2021

If you see someone trespassing on Calvert Beach

We are asking for your assistance, if you see people who don’t live in the area parking on side streets or in vacant driveways and walking onto the beach, please call the Sheriff’s Department non-emergency number (410-535-2800) and ask to have a deputy respond to determine if they are trespassing.  If you see people from outside the community fishing on our beach, call the Natural Resource Police and they will respond to determine if they have fishing licenses and are abiding by the related natural resource laws (#410-260-8888​).


Parking Area Boat Ramp Key:

If you would like to purchase a key to the boat ramp send an email to:


Calvert Beach

Calvert Beach is located in St. Leonard, Maryland. It’s a community of approximately 394 properties which are adjacent to and have access to the beaches of the beautiful Chesapeake Bay.

Dues are $60 per year and if you want a key to the parking area, the key fee is an additional $10

Parking area rules:

1. No campers, RV’s or oversized vehicles are allowed in the parking area.

2. No overnight parking in the boat ramp area is allowed without prior approval of the CBCA Board.

3. The parking lot/picnic tables will be closed Sunday through Thursday at 10 pm and Friday and Saturday at 12am.

4. Please keep the boat ramp gate locked at all times.

This website is provided by the Calvert Beach Civic Association (CBCA) as a service to our residents and owners.

The CBCA invites you to explore other pages on our website to learn more about our community. Just place  your cursor under the Home button in the upper right corner of our website.


Chesapeake Bay Critical Area and Critical Area Buffer

The Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Act, passed in 1984, was significant and far-reaching, and marked the first time that the State and local governments jointly addressed the impacts of land development on habitat and aquatic resources. Calvert County adopted the local Critical Area Program in December 1988 to implement the requirements of the Maryland State Critical Area Act.

The law identified the "Critical Area" as all land within 1,000 feet of the mean high water line of tidal waters or the landward edge of tidal wetlands, and all waters of and lands under the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. For Calvert County, that includes the Patuxent River.  A statewide Critical Area Commission (CAC) was created to oversee the development and implementation of local land use programs.

Critical Area Maps delineating the Critical Area have been formally approved as part of Calvert County’s Critical Area Program and are available online and in the office of Planning & Zoning.  Zoning regulations governing the Critical Area in Calvert County can be found in Article 8 of the Calvert County Zoning Ordinance.

Learn more about the Critical Area: