Beach Rules

Use of Calvert Beach, Gated Parking Area and Boat Ramp

Rules for Use of Calvert Beach Gated Parking Area and Boat Ramp


Calvert Beach is private and for the use of Calvert Beach residents and their accompanied guests only.

The use of the parking area and boat ramp are available to dues paying members of CBCA. These dues are used to maintain the parking area, the boat ramp, picnic tables, trash containers, portable toilets, community mosquito spraying and other community services.

CBCA Parking Permits are required to park in the lot. Permits are mailed to members who have purchased gate keys upon receipt of their dues and must be displayed on the dash or visor of their vehicle when parked in the lot. Permits expire each May 31st. Keys for the gate are available to owners whose dues payment is current. Unauthorized vehicles may be towed by the CBCA. Parking at the boat ramp area is only permitted within the gated parking area. Note: the area outside the gate is a designated fire lane.

The beach is not protected by lifeguards and all activities are at your own risk.

Dog waste bag dispensers are also located at each CBCA Access point for the beach. The dog waste bags have been provided for your convenience and should only be used for cleaning up after your dog. Help keep our beaches clean. Please pickup after your dog.


It is expected that all users of Calvert Beach property will consider the rights of others at all times.

A gathering of 15 or more on the beach requires a permit issued in advance of the event. This permit form may be obtained on the Calvert Beach web site and must be submitted for approval to a board member at least 5 days in advance of the event. Permits will be issued only to Calvert Beach Residents current on dues and the resident must be present for the event. A permit does not entitle the group to prevent other residents from using the beach or the parking area. The boat ramp must remain available to boaters at all times.

Click here for Reservation Application Form.



  1. At the boat ramp area, all vehicles must park within the gated parking area. The gate must remain locked during your visit and after departure.

  2. At Avenue D, parking is prohibited wherever indicated by ‘No Parking’ signs. Violators will be ticketed by the Sheriff’s Department. The circular driveway at the end of Avenue D is private property and may not be used, except for walkway access to the beach.

  3. Vehicles are not permitted on the beach.


Must be placed in trash receptacles or removed from the beach area.


Must be attended at all times and must be fully extinguished before leaving the area.

Calvert County Burn Ordinance


Climbing or digging on the cliffs is prohibited.

The Calvert County Sheriff’s Department, Natural Resources Police and Maryland State Police are Authorized To Enforce These Rules.