What We Do

The (very) short explanation: Our goal is to look for novel ferroic (e.g. magnetism, ferroelectricity) properties in complex oxide thin films and multilayers. There are various ways that these can be achieved and here we plan on focusing on utilizing strain engineering and superlattice structures to probe the exciting physics that can lead to interesting new functional properties.

The longer explanation...will be coming someday whenever I manage to eke out the time! For now, enjoy these relevant memes.

Funded by:

  • NSF-CREST (Awards #1914777 and #1345163) - CSUSB Center for Material Science

  • NSF-MRI (Award #1726380) - Acquisition of a hybrid sputtering/evaporation thin film deposition system

  • NSF-MRI (Award #1920356) - Acquisition of a multifunctional x-ray diffractometer (XRD) for research (materials and geology) and education

  • CSUSB Office of Student Research