
  • July 2020 - Nearly a year without an update doesn't mean nothing exciting has been going on, just that I'm bad at remembering to edit this webpage. Here are some things that have happened in the last 11 months:

        • Got a new x-ray diffractometer awarded through an NSF MRI grant. The system was installed at CSUSB last month after some delays due to stay-at-home orders.

        • The CSUSB CAFM team was awarded an NSF International Research Experience for Students (IRES) grant (PI - Usher, co-PIs Callori and Cousins). This grant will fund several CSUSB students per year, for three years, for a summer research exchange with several institutions in New Zealand. We hope we will be able to send our first students next summer.

        • Dr. Callori was asked to be an ambassador for Funsize Physics. This site is run by amazing collaborations at University of Nebraska - Lincoln (CREST partners) and is a place where scientists studying all things nanoscale can share their work with the public.

        • The Callori Lab crew met virtually during Spring 2020, having weekly group meetings and journal clubs. We were recently improved to (very carefully) return to on campus research. For the summer this means students will work on campus two days per week in pairs, with virtual group meetings once a week. On campus we will continue to work on film deposition. For at-home research one group has revived the ELVIS hystersis loop program and another group is learning how to analyze polarized neutron reflectometry data for whenever we can perform experiments in the future.

In slightly smaller news, we recently came in 1st place at a local trivia night, going by the team name, Plasmanian Devils.

  • June 25, 2019 - We have our first plasma! Our sputter deposition system is up and running.

  • Summer 2018 - First summer officially up and running as the Callori thin film lab (a.k.a. Ham Lab). Projects over this summer focused on annealing substrates to optimize surface termination and building a custom ferroelectric hysteresis tester using LabVIEW and NI ELVIS.