Residency Determination Service (RDS)

What is RDS?

RDS is an online "interview" form that determines whether or not you can be classified as a resident of North Carolina. If you're a NC resident, you get in-state tuition at all NC schools, which is a huge money saver!

You qualify for in-state tuition if you are a legal U.S. resident that has been residing in NC for at least 12 months. Unfortunately, DACA and undocumented students are not eligible for in-state tuition.

When you complete the RDS, you'll receive a Residency Certification Number (RCN). Do not lose this! This number will need to be submitted as part of your applications to schools in NC. 

How Do I Complete the RDS?

RDS Worksheet

RDS Wksht.pdf

Completed the RDS? Submit the form below!