Softball Rules


The game will consist of 6 innings. Games starting at 6:15pm with no new inning started after 7:30pm and 7:45pm games with no new inning after 9:00pm.  Umpire will ensure that game start time is communicated to both coaches prior to game commencing.

There are 10-15 players per team, 4 taking the outfield position and the 6 standard infield positions.

A player shall not play the same infield position (coach’s discretion) for more than two consecutive innings and every player shall play the outfield at least once during a game.

All names must appear in the batting order and is to be maintained at all times.

Stealing of bases is allowed after the ball has left the pitcher's hand. 

The side is retired when there is 3 out or 7 runs have been scored.

Batter will be called out by the Umpire for throwing their bat.  NO WARNING.

All team players (no spectators) are to remain in the dugout unless they are the next at bat.  The team will be warned once for any player who is on the playing field and not next at bat.  If a second warning is necessary, the batter will be called out (Umpire’s call).

All play must stop when the pitcher has control of the ball and no play is apparently going to be made.

Infield Fly rule is in effect.

Long pants, athletic footwear and team shirt MUST be worn by playersCoaches must wear team shirt provided.  Players and Coaches not in proper uniform must sit out.  Shorts are not permitted for players. 

Each team may pitch their pitcher a maximum of 3 innings but not consecutive innings.

Pitching - one foot must remain on the rubber until the ball is released.  

Windmill pitching is permitted, upon permission from the players. Coaches will mark batter’s names/numbers  that do not give consent to a windmill pitch on scoresheet.  Batter’s base coach will inform pitcher if a windmill pitch is not permitted. A male pitcher can windmill to a male, but needs consent from a female batter. A female batter may windmill to both male and female batters. 

At anytime, Windmill pitch rule is subject to change.  If so, communication of change will be directed by committee to coaches. 

No personal electronic devices allowed while playing (dugout or on the field, Phones, IPods etc.) 

No food or drink allowed on playing field. 

All equipment is to be kept outside the fence off the playing field except when in use.

Coaches to submit scores at end of every game. 

Playoff Mercy Rule: After the 5th inning is played, if score differential exceeds 15 runs, game is over. 

All players, coaches, and spectators must exhibit good sportsmanship. Any player, coach, or spectator will be asked to leave by the CMSA Committee or Umpire if their behaviour is aggressive or inappropriate.