Expansion Of California

Resources for all

The Photography of Dorthea Lange: Photographs from the Dust Bowl

The Zoot Suit Riots of 1943: History of the cultural and racial tensions in Los Angeles during World War II

Minority Groups and the Great Depression: How the Great Depression affected minorities in the US

The Dust Bowl Migration: Why and how masses of farmers left the Midwest for California in the 1930s

FDR and the New Deal: Resources on America during FDR's presidency from 1933 to 1945.

Virtual Exhibit on the New Deal: Online resources from the Digital Public Library of America

History of the Zoot Suit: Find out what the Zoot Suit was and why it was important

History of the Film Industry in Hollywood: Essay on how the film industry grew in Hollywood.

Airships and Oranges: The Second Gold Rush: Discover the art of citrus crates

Japanese American Museum of San Jose: Online exhibits on Japanese-American history

The Urbanization of San Francisco and Los Angeles: How SF and LA became the major cities of California

Resources for Teachers

Lesson Plans and Activities

On the Home Front: Lesson plan about life in the US during World War II from the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Immigration Policies and Legislation Affecting Asian Pacific Americans: Resources for teaching about the Chinese Exclusion Act, the Japanese American interments during World War II, and current immigration legislation from the Smithsonian.

Unconstitutional Deportation during the 1930s: Resources on the history of deportation of citizens and immigrants from the Smithsonian.

Japanese American Internment Experience: Lesson plan about Japanese American internment in the 1940s.

1930s and 1940s California History: Lesson plan using photographs to create a news story about California in the 1930s and 40s.

Dust Bowl Days: Lesson plan from the National Endowment for the Humanities on the Dust Bowl.

Esperanza Rising: Dust Bowls, Farming, Dreams, and Possibilities: Lesson plan and resources about Hispanic immigrants during the Great Depression.

Silent Film Module: Lesson plan and resources about the film industry before the introduction of sound.

War Ration Book: Lesson plan based around an artifact to teach students about rationing during World War II.