Local, State & Federal Government

Resources For All

Find Your City or County Laws

Search Google by putting the name of your city or county, state, and the word laws. Fore example if you search "Santa Clara County California laws" you would get the following website: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/bos/legislation/ordinance-code/pages/default.aspx

The California State Constitution: Full text of the state constitution of California.

Ben's Guide to Government: Fun cartoon guide to the Federal Government.

State Facts for Students: Facts about California from the U.S. Census Bureau.

California State Symbols: Learn the state bird, the state flower, and more!

Find your California State Representative: Enter your address to find out your state representative.

GovBuddy: Find out who to contact about the issues you care about in California government.

Resources For Teachers

How Do You Make A More Perfect Union: Lesson plan on the Preamble to the Constitution from the National Endowment for the Humanities

What's Fair in a Free Country?: Lesson plan on the First Amendment from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Communicating with the President: Lesson plan on the President's role and responsibilities from the National Endowment for the Humanities

Origins of the U.S. Constitution: Resources from the Smithsonian on the US Constitution.

The Three Branches of Government: Resources from the Smithsonian about the Three Branches of Government

Drafting a More Perfect Union: Lesson Plan from the Library of Congress on the US Constitution

Planet Fourth Grade is Researching the US Constitution: Lesson plan on the function of the U.S. Constitution.

The Responsibilities of Local Government: Lesson plans about local governments.

The U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights: Lesson plan on the Bill of Rights.