Missions, Ranchos, & MEXICAN War OF INDEPENDENCE

REsources for all

Mission Santa Barbara: Education resources page from a private research archive with activity booklet and videos of mission life today.

Original documents: Standford History Education Group provides a pdf of primary sources and thought provoking activity

Let's Draw a Mission: artist's video teaches you how to use use Spanish colonial style

Minecraft Mission: example of student work inspired by Mission San Diego

Mission Santa Clara: Reference materials offered by the Mission museum

California Museum: The state museum has primary sources and a link to the California Missions Resource Center.

Huntington Library: California Missions resources page curated by the Huntington

California Mission Map: Provided by the Library of Congress

Ranchos and Land Grants: Resources from the Reed Union School District including a list of ranchos and land grants.

TEacher Resources

Stanford History Education Group lesson plan and digitized original mission documents provide the teacher with context and materials in Spanish and English. Make a free account to access the materials.

Choose your own adventure activity booklet from the Santa Barbara Mission Archive Library provides primary sources and a storyline geared towards 3rd and 4th grade students.

Are you going to tour a California Mission? If so, could you or your group create your own video tour? Or, you might take pictures and then put them into a slide deck when you have a picture on the left and an explanation on the right.

Create a tour of a Mission or the El Camino Real with Thinglink. Sign up for free and create a project like the example linked here: El Camino Real Thinglink Example.