Nils Michals & Sami Miranda

NILS MICHALS is the author of three poetry collections, Gembox (The Word Works, 2019), winner of the 2018 Washington Prize, Lure (Pleiades, 2004), winner of the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize, and Come Down to Earth (Bauhan, 2014), winner of the May Sarton New Hampshire Poetry Prize. His work appeared in [PANK], diode, Sonora Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Bombay Gin, Catamaran Literary Reader, The Laurel Review, and jubilat, among others. He teaches in the English department at West Valley College, where he is also faculty advisor for the student literary magazine, Voices. Michals lives in Santa Cruz, CA.

SAMI MIRANDA is a teacher, poet, performance artist, and multimedia visual artist. He is the author of the poetry chapbook Departure (Central Square Press, 2017) and We Is (Zozobra Publishing, 2019), his debut full-length collection. His work appeared, among others, in The Common, Beltway, MiPoesias, Poet Lore, and was featured on Split This Rock’s website as poem of the week. He is Curator and Member of the Board of Directors of the American Poetry Museum, a space for poetry performances and art exhibits, in the heart of Washington DC. Miranda lives in Washington, DC.

Coming: Monday, November 2, 2020, Café Muse will feature poets Michael Davis and Beth Konkoski.