
Get involved with improving Special Education for all students! Discover advocacy opportunities locally and globally.


San Francisco Board of Education

Attend a Board of Education meeting and learn about more ways to become involved in support special education services in San Francisco County.

Meetings happen the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.  Other sub-committee meetings may also be of interest to you. Please check the BOE website for full meeting calendar.

The CAC now presents to the BOE two times a year.  We are so grateful for this collaboration!

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

District Funding is now determined by a Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and each year stakeholders and required to give feedback on this funding as part of the budgeting process (the accountability plan). 


CAC members met with State Senator Weiner to advocate for policies that support students with disabilities.

SELPA Legislative Day

Each year Special Education Local Plan Areas (representing California Counties) convene in the state capital to discuss and advocate for policies to better support students receiving special education services. Interested members should email the CAC to attend (space limited).

Legislative Day 2020

May 2019

State Capital, Sacramento, CA

After advocating for specific bills to support students with disabilities in public school, the CAC received these legislative updates.

Legislative Updates:
