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Feedback & Testimonials

Bruce Barton via USCA Canoe News (March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1), "Which Pro Boat?" article by Gareth Stevens

"The V-1 is a boat that is easy to turn and fairly stable.  It also turns easily in and is good in rough water.  It passes through wakes better than the Hassel boat, but not as well as the Corbin or Gillies.  The rear seat can easily be mounted farther back for lighter teams.  The V-1 may be the best all around canoe."

Al Rudquist via USCA Canoe News (March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1), "Which Pro Boat?" article by Gareth Stevens

"As far as the designs go, I do not buy the theory that the V-1 loses more speed as you paddle less hard.  I also realize I may have a bit of a different perspective on speed than the next guy.  It may be less comfortable for some to sit in, and that will make it seem to slow down more.  The V-1 has been around since ’84, and is the same boat.  It is moderately stable and very fast.  My perception of the canoe is that the harder you paddle, the faster you go.  Some canoes (such as the old Hassel) seem to have more of a distinct top end, and that is as fast as they go."

Jan Perrin via USCA Canoe News (March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1), "Which Pro Boat?" article by Gareth Stevens

She "finds the V-1 to be a good, fast, and maneuverable boat, better than John Newman’s Newman Pro pro boat for teams with widely disparate weights.  But she is also 'very, very pleased with her Newman Pro boat,' which, when she paddles with someone no more than 50 lb heavier, handles every bit as well and is just as fast as the V-1, if not faster."  "The V-1 can maybe handle up to 70-lbs difference [between partners]."

Gord Cole via USCA Canoe News (March 2004, Volume 37, Issue 1), "Which Pro Boat?" article by Gareth Stevens

"V-1: The standard.  Very sensitive to trim, must be run bow heavy, especially in the shallows.  Sprints okay, rides wash okay, stable.  Most paddlers are familiar with its handling characteristics and can run the boat without thinking about it much.  Must be popped in shallows."

Edith MacHattie

"A great all round boat.  It is stable, seaworthy and forgiving.  The larger volume lends itself to mid- and larger sized paddlers and those learning to paddle and race a pro boat.  For smaller paddlers it can feel roomy which is nice at first, then feels a little sloppy after you get used to a smaller volume boat such as a Gillies or Corbin-95."