Finding LT2 from Prince Consort Road

Finding Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2) from the Physics Department (Blackett Lab) entrance

Here are (very) detailed directions for how to reach LT2 from the main Blackett entrance. It is quite straightforward and we will put up signage to guide you but...

1) Outside the Blackett entrace you will see;

2) Pass through the doors into the physics department

3) You are now in the concourse where the coffee breaks will be held and lunch will be provided. To get to LT2 walk across the concourse keeping to the left...

4) Now turn left and pass through the doors...

5) Go through the left set of doors...

6) You are now in a stair well. Descend one level...

7) Go through the double doors and turn right...

8) Go right through the next set of doors....

9) Head straight ahead down the hallway until....

10) ... you reach LT2 on the right at the end of the hallway.

(Well done)