Substance Use + Mental Health

Every year we dedicate our time towards a one week program educating students in school about substance use during National Prevention Week (the third week of May). The month of May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, so we have a tradition of hand crafting positive posters to distribute in our school.


Mental Health Awareness

In 2017, our first project as a youth coalition was to make posters for Mental Health Awareness Month in May.

Our goal was to reach the student body at Heritage Middle School by providing them with encouragement and resources.

Suicide Prevention

In 2019, we decided to revisit this project at a new location: Jimmy C Draughn High School.

Hickory Opioid Summit

In 2018, we participated in the Hickory Opioid Youth Summit Community Project Competition. Our submission was awarded 2nd place at the North Carolina Coalition Summit in Raleigh.