
Park Assessments

OCtober 2020

Special thanks to Gillian Freeze, Kiarra, Elizabeth, and Cadence Davis for coming out on October 9th, 2020 to help clean up around McGalliard Falls. It was a huge success! In the past, we have worked with the Town of Valdese to prompt community change in the parks. Advocating for health and wellness in Burke County is an ongoing effort, so we will continue our park assessments and we look forward to partnering with other community organizations.

After further research, we realized it was technically only illegal to smoke within fifty feet of the building associated with the park. The question now was how to bring this up with town council. We quickly brainstormed for inspiration.

What started out as a simple trash pickup grew into a passion for change and prevention. We simply grew tired of seeing all of the trash, and wondered why it was there in the first place.

After a powerful presentation the to Valdese Town Council, officials showed deep concern. As a result, district wide change was brought about to satisfy our needs. The use of nicotine products was 100% banned in all town parks!

Thanks to the Parks and Recreation president (Doug Knight) a grand reopening of Children's Park OCCURRED on September 29th, 2018, with the help of Friends of the Valdese Rec

Merchant assessments

Lastly, one of the first projects we ever did was look for inappropriate marketing at local stores. This was in the beginning of 2016, when we had just been established. We ending up witnessing signs advertising alcohol at a low level (catching children's eyes more than adults), unidentified alcoholic beverages (failing to be in their own section), and even condoms being sold next to candy (yikes). After some consideration, we approached all of the local merchants, and changes were made. The Dollar General chain manager even went district wide to ensure that all alcoholic beverages were placed under a specific section titled "cold beer."